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March brings the warm spring breeze so it calls upon a fun filled Limai School field trip. This exciting academic journey leads students into the ocean of knowledge and experiences.

力邁,這所擁有深厚歷史底蘊的知名國際學府,始終秉持著對全球教育理念的深刻洞察與追求,致力於全方位鍛造學生的4C能力——Communication(國際交流)、Collaboration(合作意識)、Critical(批判思維)以及Creative(創新能力), 而Communication能力的培養更是我們工作的重中之重。

在全球化的今天, 國際交流能力已成為衡量未來領軍者的重要標準。 我們不僅在課堂教學中融入國際交流和合作的元素,更在各類研學活動和社會實踐中貫徹這一理念。

五顏六色、多面體的樂高磚塊, 使孩子天馬行空的創造力得以體現。 京城歷史悠久的「老字號」, 探尋它們傳承至今的秘籍,感受傳統與現代的完美融合, 細品經典名著經典人物的悲歡離合,文學的魅力在現實中得以綻放~

Small LEGO blocks radiate endless creativity in the hands of children. Whether exploring alone or collaborating as a team, colorful dream worlds are constructed one by one. This trip not only makes children understand how LEGO blocks come into being, but also cultivate their imagination and creativity.

小小的積木顆粒能夠搭建出怎樣的「龐然大物」? 這是一次充滿想象力的樂高之旅,低齡段至2年級力邁學子前往北京樂高探索中心。


Field Trip

Grade 5-6 students walked into Qianmen Street and explored the "time-honored brands" in Beijing. They explored their business secrets and handmade wooden watermarks, deeply experiencing the beauty of the Four Treasures of the Study. They learned the art of making traditional Chinese medicine sachets and experienced the entire process of making old Beijing cloth shoes, there was a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of traditional handicrafts.

5-6年級的同學們走進中軸線上的前門大街,感受著傳統文化的熏陶,聆聽著京城「老字號」的傳奇故事。 在榮寶齋了解文房四寶的知識和木版浮水印的歷史與發展,動手制作木版浮水印;參觀廣譽遠中醫藥博物館,學習中醫藥知識,體驗制作中藥香囊;走進行內升,透過畫鞋樣、搓麻繩、納鞋底,親身感受老北京布鞋的制作工藝,完成一場樂學樂玩,寓學於樂的研學之旅~

Field Trip

Small LEGO blocks radiate endless creativity in the hands of children. Whether exploring alone or collaborating as a team, colorful dream worlds are constructed one by one. This trip not only makes children understand how LEGO blocks come into being, but also cultivate their imagination and creativity.

7-8年級的同學們則前往「只有紅樓夢·戲劇幻城」沈浸式戲劇主題公園。 漫步在以【紅樓夢】為藍本的實景舞台,學生們透過觀賞沈浸式演出,領略了科技與藝術交融的魅力,感受了不同人群對【紅樓夢】的多元解讀。同時,幻城中古典的建築和園林之美也提升了他們審美情趣。 這次活動不僅是對語文學科知識的生動演繹,更是對學生文化素養的全面提升。

Students learned and grew through this field trip, textbook knowledge becomes vivid. Limai focuses on cultivating comprehensive qualities and practical abilities, broadening international perspectives through social practice, experiencing different cultures, and laying a solid foundation for comprehensive development.