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周日靜學(96):博士論文3.4 數值分析





今天小編為您帶來博士論文【考慮公平關切的雙渠道供應鏈系統營運策略研究】3.4 數值分析。


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Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy!

Today, the editor brings the " Numerical analysis of the doctoral dissertation 【Consider the research of the operational strategy of fair and concerned dual-channel supply chain system】」.

Welcome to visit!


本期推文將從思維導圖、精讀內容、知識補充三個方面介紹博士論文【考慮公平關切的雙渠道供應鏈系統營運策略研究】3.4 數值分析。

This tweet will introduce the numerical analysis of the doctoral thesis 【Research on Operation Strategies of Dual-Channel Supply Chain System Considering Fairness Concerns】from three aspects: mind mapping, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement.

思維導圖:Mind mapping

精讀內容:Intensive reading content


This summary uses numerical analysis to verify the conclusions drawn above, and focuses on analyzing the impact of consumers' horizontal concerns on equilibrium profits and optimal retail prices when consumer channel acceptance is low. First determine the numerical value, and then make a function image of the optimal profit of the manufacturer and the retailer with respect to the consumer's horizontal concern factor θ, and then obtain that the impact characteristics of the two types of consumers' horizontal concerns on the retailer's profit do not follow the consumer line. Changes due to changes in channel acceptance. However, changes in consumers’ acceptance of online channels will change the impact of different types of consumers’ horizontal concerns on manufacturers’ profits.


Then, under the above two sets of values, we make the function image of the channel's optimal retail price with respect to the consumer's horizontal concern factor θ under the three models, and then obtain that both types of consumers' horizontal concerns will reduce the offline channel retail price, and there are It may be lower than when consumers are fair and neutral, so consumers’ horizontal concerns, especially asymmetric horizontal concerns, are more beneficial to consumers in offline channels. For online channel consumers, symmetrical horizontal concerns are always detrimental to them, while asymmetric horizontal concerns may be beneficial to them. This point shows that consumers themselves need to pay a certain price to pursue fairness in transactions.


Finally, under the above two sets of values, make a function image of the difference between offline and online channel retail prices under the three models with respect to the consumer's horizontal concern factor θ, and then obtain that both consumers' horizontal concerns have narrowed the channel The price difference between them is conducive to easing price competition between channels. Interestingly, consumers' asymmetric horizontal concerns reduce channel price differences to a lower extent than symmetric horizontal concerns. This is because under symmetric horizontal concerns, consumers will not leave the sales system due to channel price differences, so retailers can take advantage of weak channel price differences to transfer consumers to lower-priced channels for purchase. to attract and retain more consumers.

知識補充:Knowledge supplement

1、渠道偏好 Channel preference


Channel preference, also known as purchase channel preference, refers to the preference of consumers to choose social, economic and technological channels to purchase goods and services. This is a very special consumption activity. Marketing scholars track consumer choices to final purchase steps to identify different channel preference behaviors.


Channel preference includes three different levels: 1) Channel preference: refers to the behavioral preference of consumers to choose different channels when purchasing goods or services for the first time; 2) Channel selectivity: refers to the behavior preference of consumers when purchasing goods or services. The selectivity of various channels when purchasing goods or services is very important, because this determines which channel consumers will ultimately purchase from; 3) Channel retention: refers to the formation of trust in consumers who have previously chosen goods or services when they repeatedly purchase goods or services. The behavioral bias of the channel.






That's all for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about the article,

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I wish you a nice day!



參考文獻:[1]趙燕飛. 考慮公平關切的雙渠道供應鏈系統營運策略研究 [D]. 重慶: 重慶大學,2022.


