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【美國統一商法典】(中英文40余萬字,包括1.4萬字的總目錄索引)。法典分為11章(Article),以總則(General Provisions)和各分則的形式,對現實中的商事規則和商事慣例進行了歸納和制度層面的架構,消除了各州商法對州際交易因規定不同而造成的障礙,實作了美國商法在州際交易範圍內,關於銷售、票據、擔保、信貸各領域規定的統一(除路易士安那州之外的49個州、哥倫比亞特區和維爾京島都采納了這部法典),並為各類商事交易活動提供了優良的模式,被美國國內乃至國際商事社會廣泛采用和吸收,實作了商法的國際性。



PART 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS [Table of Contents] 一般規定

§ 1-101. Short Titles. 簡略名稱.

(a)This [Act] may be cited as the Uniform Commercial Code.

(b)This article may be cited as Uniform Commercial Code-General Provisions.



§ 1-102. Scope of Article. 本篇範圍

This article applies to a transaction to the extent that it is governed by another article of [the Uniform Commercial Code].


§ 1-103. Construction of [Uniform Commercial Code] to Promote its Purposes and Policies: Applicability of Supplemental Principles of Law.


(a)[The Uniform Commercial Code] must be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies, which are: (1) to simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governing commercial transactions; (2) to permit the continued expansion of commercial practices through custom, usage, and agreement of the parties; and (3) to make uniform the law among the various jurisdictions.


(b)Unless displaced by the particular provisions of [the Uniform Commercial Code], the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, and other validating or invalidating cause supplement its provisions.

(b) 除非統一商法典特別條款將其排除,普通法和衡平法的各項原則,包括商人法和涉及締約能力、本人和代理人、禁止反悔、欺詐、虛偽說明、脅迫、強制、錯誤或破產的法律,或其它使合約生效或失效的法律,應作為本法的補充。



(a)Unless otherwise agreed, if a certified check, cashier's check, or teller's check is taken for an obligation, the obligation is discharged to the same extent discharge would result if an amount of money equal to the amount of the instrument were taken in payment of the obligation. Discharge of the obligation does not affect any liability that the obligor may have as an indorser of the instrument.

(a) 除非另有約定,若保付支票、銀行本票、或出納員所開的內部支票由於義務而取得,該義務在解除將導致的相同範圍內被解除,若等於票據金額的一筆錢由於義務的履行而取得。義務的解除不影響債務人作為票據背書人而負有的任何義務。

(b)Unless otherwise agreed and except as provided in subp (a), if a note or an uncertified check is taken for an obligation, the obligation is suspended to the same extent the obligation would be discharged if an amount of money equal to the amount of the instrument were taken, and the following rules apply:

(b) 除非另有約定並且除非(a)款另有規定,若一張票據或一張未保付支票(uncertified check)由於一項義務而取得,該義務在解除的相同範圍內中止,若等於票據金額的一筆錢被取得,及下列規則適用:

(1)In the case of an uncertified check, suspension of the obligation continues until dishonor of the check or until it is paid or certified. Payment or certification of the check results in discharge of the obligation to the extent of the amount of the check.

(1) 在未保付支票的情形,義務的中止保持到該支票被拒付,或者保持到其被付款或被未保付。票據的付款或未保付導致義務在支票金額範圍內的解除。

(2)In the case of a note, suspension of the obligation continues until dishonor of the note or until it is paid. Payment of the note results in discharge of the obligation to the extent of the payment.

(2) 在票據的情形,義務的中止保持到該票據被拒付,或者保持到其被付款時。票據的付款導致義務在付款範圍內解除。

(3)Except as provided in paragraph(4), if the check or note is dishonored and the obligee of the obligation for which the instrument was taken is the person entitled to enforce the instrument, the obligee may enforce either the instrument or the obligation. In the case of an instrument of a third person which is negotiated to the obligee by the obligor, discharge of the obligor on the instrument also discharges the obligation.

(3) 除非(4)段另有規定,若支票或票據被拒付,並且因其而取得票據的義務的債權人是有權票據的人,債權人可以執行該票據或該義務。在債務人流轉給債權人的第三人的票據的情形,債務人在票據上的解除也解除該債務。

(4) If the person entitled to enforce the instrument taken for an obligation is a person other than the obligee, the obligee may not enforce the obligation to the extent the obligation is suspended. If the obligee is the person entitled to enforce the instrument but no longer has possession of it because it was lost, stolen, or destroyed, the obligation may not be enforced to the extent of the amount payable on the instrument, and to that extent the obligee's rights against the obligor are limited to enforcement of the instrument.

(4) 若有權執行由於一項債務取得的票據的人是除債權人之外的人,在債務中止範圍內,該債權人不得執行該債務。若債權人是有權執行票據的人,但由於遺失、盜竊或毀 壞而不再占有票據,在票據載明應付金額範圍內,該債務不得執行,並且在該範圍內,債權人對債務人的權利限於執行票據。

(c)If an instrument other than one described in subp (a)or (b)is taken for an obligation, the effect is (i)that stated in subp(a)if the instrument is one on which a bank is liable as maker or acceptor, or(ii)that stated in subp(b)in any other case.

(c) 若(a)或(b)款規定以外的票據由於一項債務而取得,效力是(i) (a)款規定的效力,若票據是銀行作為制作人或接受人而負有義務的票據,或(ii)在任何其他情形,(b)款規定的效力。



Regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and operating circulars of the Federal Reserve Banks supersede any inconsistent provision of this Article to the extent of the inconsistency.




(a)If an accepted payment order is not, under Section 4A-202(a), an authorized order of a customer identified as sender, but is effective as an order of the customer pursuant to Section 4A-202(b), the following rules apply:

(a) 若在§4a-202(a)下,被接受的托付單不是確定為發送人的消費者的經授權的指令,但是依照§4a-202(b)條作為消費者的指令有效,下列規則適用:

(1)By express written agreement, the receiving bank may limit the extent to which it is entitled to enforce or retain payment of the payment order.

(1) 按照明示的書面協定,收款行可以限制該範圍為其有權執行或保留托付單的付款的範圍內。

(2)The receiving bank is not entitled to enforce or retain payment of the payment order if the customer proves that the order was not caused, directly or indirectly, by a person (i) entrusted at any time with duties to act for the customer with respect to payment orders or the security procedure, or

(2) 收款行無權執行或保留托付單的付款,若該消費者證明該指令不被下述這樣的人直接或間接地引起,(i)任何時間受托代理消費者履行關於托付單或安全程式的義務的人,或

(ii)who obtained access to transmitting facilities of the customer or who obtained, from a source controlled by the customer and without authority of the receiving bank, information facilitating breach of the security procedure, regardless of how the information was obtained or whether the customer was at fault. Information includes any access device, computer software, or the like.

(ii) 獲得消費者的傳輸便利的途徑的人,或者,從消費者控制的來源並且沒有收款行的授權,獲得促成安全程式的違反的資訊的人, 不管該資訊怎樣獲得,或者是否該消費者具有過失。資訊包括任何途徑裝置、電腦軟體或類似物。

(b)This p applies to amendments of payment orders to the same extent it applies to payment orders.

(b) 在其適用於托付單的相同範圍內,本條適用於托付單的變更。

§7-104. Negotiable and Nonnegotiable Document of Title.


(a)A document of title is negotiable if by its terms the goods are to be delivered to bearer or to the order of a named person.

(a) 若按照其條款,該貨物將被交付給持票人或按照指定的人的指令交付,權利證書是可流通的。

(b)A document of title other than one described in subp (a) is nonnegotiable. A bill of lading that states that the goods are consigned to a named person is not made negotiable by a provision that the goods are to be delivered only against an order in a record signed by the same or another named person.

(b) 除(a)款規定的以外,權利證書不可流通。規定貨物被交付給指定的人的提單不因該貨物僅僅對同一個或其他的指定的人簽署的檔案中的指令交付的規定而可流通。

(c)A document of title is nonnegotiable if, at the time it is issued, the document has a conspicuous legend, however expressed, that it is nonnegotiable.

(c) 若在其被發行時,該單據具有顯著的說明,但明示,權利證書為不可流通。



(a)A person who originates an entitlement order to a securities intermediary warrants to the securities intermediary that:

(a) 發出權益指令給證券中介的,向證券中介擔保:

(1)the entitlement order is made by an appropriate person, or if the entitlement order is by an agent, the agent has actual authority to act on behalf of the appropriate person; and

(1) 該權益指令由適當的人作出,或者若權益指令由代理人作出,該代理人具有代理適當的人的實際授權;及

(2)there is no adverse claim to the security entitlement.

(2) 沒有對該證券的不利主張。

(b)A person who delivers a security certificate to a securities intermediary for credit to a securities account or originates an instruction with respect to an uncertificated security directing that the uncertificated security be credited to a securities account makes to the securities intermediary the warranties specified in Section 8-108(a)or(b).

(b) 為對證券帳戶記入貸方而交付證券證書給證券中介或發出關於非證書證券的指示,指示該非證書證券應對證券帳戶記入貸方的,向該證券中介作出§ 8-108(a)或(b)規定的擔保。

(c)If a securities intermediary delivers a security certificate to its entitlement holder or causes its entitlement holder to be registered as the owner of an uncertificated security, the securities intermediary makes to the entitlement holder the warranties specified in Section 8-108(a)or (b).

(c) 若證券中介交付證券證書給其權利持有人或促使其權利持有人登記為非證書證券的所有者的,證券中介向權利持有人作出§ 8-108(a)或(b)規定的擔保。