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1月17日,國際電腦學會(Association for Computing Machinery,ACM)公布了2023年度傑出會員(ACM Distinguished Members)名單,全球共有 52 名學者獲此殊榮。

ACM創立於1947年,是世界上第一個科學性和教育性的電腦學會,也是目前全球最大的電腦領域學術組織,在190多個國家和地區擁有超過10萬名會員,其所評選的圖靈獎(ACM Turing Award)被公認為是電腦領域的最高獎項。ACM傑出會員表彰那些在過去10年中擁有至少15年專業經驗和5年專業會員資格的ACM會員,他們取得了重大成就,或對電腦領域產生了重大影響。


Kai Chen 現為香港科技大學電腦科學與工程系教授、智能網絡與系統實驗室(iSING Lab)及微信-科大人工智能技術聯合實驗室(WHAT Lab)主任,香港人工智能與機器人學會(HKSAIR)常務副會長。




他是亞太網絡研討會(APNet)指導委員會聯合主席,並擔任SIGCOMM、NSDI、CoNEXT、INFOCOM等程式委員會會員,以及IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking、Big數據和雲端運算編委會會員。

鄭振剛 是香港大學 (HKU) 電腦科學系教授。他的研究興趣是數據科學、大圖分析和不確定數據管理。




他於2011年獲得Universitas 21 Fellowship,並於2006年和2007年兩次獲得香港浸會大學電腦學院頒發的表現獎。他是香港浸會大學專業進修學院的學術顧問。他是 IEEE、ACM、ACM SIGMOD 和 UPE 的成員。

他曾擔任IEEE ICDE 2021的PC聯合主席,並一直在 SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE、KDD、IJCAI、AAAI 和 TODS 等領先數據庫會議和期刊的程式委員會和評審小組中任職。


Tao Gu 目前是悉尼麥考瑞大學電腦學院的教授。他是新加坡國立大學電腦科學博士,曾擔任 Proc. of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)的編輯, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) and IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J).副主編。



何京芮 是伊利諾大學香檳山分校資訊科學學院教授。她於2010年獲得卡內基梅隆大學博士學位。


她曾獲得2016年NSF職業獎、2020年OAT獎,分別於2018年、2015年和2014年三度獲得IBM教員獎,並入選IJCAI 2017年早期職業焦點人物。

她在主要會議(例如 IJCAI、AAAI、KDD、ICML、NeurIPS)和期刊(例如 TKDE、TKDD、DMKD)上發表了150 多篇出版物,並且是兩本書的作者。

她的論文曾獲得FAccT 2022的傑出論文獎,以及 ICDM 2016、ICDM 2010 和SDM 2010的會議最佳論文獎。他是 AAAI 和IEEE的高級會員,IEEE BigData 2023專案聯合主席。

Yang Li 是Google Research 的高級研究科學家,也是華盛頓大學 CSE 的附屬教員。他是中國科學院電腦科學博士,在加州大學柏克萊分校電子電腦與電腦系統博士後研究。


他在HCI和ML領域的頂級會議上發表了大量文章,包括 CHI、UIST、ICML、ACL、EMNLP、CVPR、NeurIPS (NIPS)、ICLR 和 KDD。他還是【AI for HCI:A Modern Approach】一書的編輯。

梁雲 是北京大學電子電氣與電腦學院副教授(終身教授)。他於2010年在新加坡國立大學獲得電腦科學博士學位,並在加入北京大學之前在UIUC擔任研究科學家。


他在相關領域的頂級國際期刊和會議上發表了80多篇科學出版物。他的研究獲得了 FCCM 2011 和 ICCAD 2017 的最佳論文獎,以及 DAC 2017、ASPDAC 2016、DAC 2012、FPT 2011、CODES+ISSS 2008 的最佳論文提名。

梁教授擔任 ACM Transactions in Embedded Computer Systems 的副主編(TECS) 並在相關領域的主要會議的程式委員會中任職,包括(HPCA、PACT、CGO、ICCAD、ICS、CC、DATE、CASES、ASPDAC、ICCD)。

Dan Wang 在北京大學獲得了電腦科學學士學位,在斯西儲大學獲得了碩士學位,在加拿大西蒙弗雷澤大學獲得了博士學位。


他在IEEE INFOCOM、ACM SIGMETRICS、IEEE ICNP、IEEE ICDCS、IEEE RTSS 等頂級會議以及 ACM e-Energy、ACM Buildsys 等新興會議上發表了大量出版物。他的研究得到UGC/GRF、香港理工大學、國家自然科學基金委員會、中國電信機構的支持,是IEEE的高級會員。

許暢 教授在2008至2010年期間在香港科技大學電腦科學及工程學系擔任研究助理教授,自2010年9月加入南京大學電腦軟件新技術國家重點實驗室和電腦科學與技術系,擔任副教授,2015年提升為教授。



他的研究興趣包括大數據軟件工程、智能軟件測試與分析、以及自適應與自控軟件系統,發表了160余篇學術論文,工作被包括TOSEM、TSE、ESEC/FSE、ICSE和ASE等在內的國際頂級期刊與會議(CCF-A類)所收錄,獲得了四次ACM SIGSOFT傑出論文獎(ICSE 2014、ASE 2018和ICSE 2021兩次)和兩次最佳論文獎(APSEC 2014唯一獎和ICSE 2021 ACM Europe Council唯一獎)。

他組織了MIDDLEWARE 2013 Doctoral Symposium、FSE 2014 SEES Symposium、COMPSAC 2017 SETA Symposium和INTERNETWARE 2018,服務於ESEC/FSE、ICSE和ASE等程式委員會,並擔任了Journal of Software: Evolution and Process、Journal of Computer Science and Technology、Frontiers of Computer Science和【電腦科學】等期刊的編委工作。

張美慧 教授是北京理工大學電腦學院教授,博士生導師,入選國家級青年人才。


主要研究方向為大數據管理與分析、海量數據整合、新型數據庫系統、區塊鏈及人工智能等。已發表電腦學會(CCF)推薦A類論文近50篇,其中包括數據庫及資料探勘領域頂級會議ACM SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE、KDD,以及頂級期刊VLDB Journal、TKDE等。

近年來,先後主持參與了多個國家級重點科研專案,多次擔任如ACM SIGMOD,VLDB,ACM MM等國際頂級學術會議程式委員會委員,以及如TKDE,VLDBJ,TODS等國際頂級期刊審稿人。

擔任VLDB理事會理事(截止目前國內僅有三位入選)、ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science (TDS) 期刊副主編、Springer Distributed and Parallel Databases期刊領域主編、國際頂級會議IEEE ICDE 2018、 ICDE 2022領域主席、VLDB 2018、VLDB 2019、VLDB 2020、 VLDB 2023、ACM SIGMOD 2021、 SIGMOD 2023副主編、DASFAA 2017及EDBT 2022 Demo Track及BOSS 2018 Workshop聯合主席等。

榮獲2019年度電腦學會CCF-IEEE CS青年科學家獎, 2020年度VLDB青年研究貢獻獎(截止目前亞洲僅有兩位),獲VLDB 2019最佳論文獎、ICDE 2018最佳論文提名獎及ACM SIGMOD 2019 突出研究獎。


Murali Annavaram
University of Southern California

For contributions to heterogeneous computer systems design for providing and advancing energy-efficient computing

Vijay Arya
IBM Research

For contributions to optimization, statistical inference, and machine learning in network design

Pernille Bjorn
University of Copenhagen

For contributions to understanding global software development, healthcare technologies, tech entrepreneurship, and equity in computing

Kai Chen
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

For contributions to the design and implementation of data center networks

Reynold Cheng
The University of Hong Kong

For contributions to algorithms on large-scale data processing

Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
Politecnico di Torino

For contributions to the design of high-performance mobile networks

Mauro Conti
University of Padua

For research contributions to network, mobile, and embedded systems security

Sanmay Das
George Mason University

For contributions to AI and economics, AI for social good, and service to the profession

Jeff Forbes
National Science Foundation

For advancing efforts to address the critical issues of education and broadening participation in computing

Auroop R. Ganguly
Northeastern University

For foundational advances, sustained service, and entrepreneurial accomplishments in climate data mining and machine learning

Floris Geerts
University of Antwerp

For contributions to principles of data management and services to the community

Werner Geyer
IBM Research

For contributions to computer-supported collaborative work, AI-assisted collaboration, and social software in the enterprise

Roberto Giacobazzi
University of Arizona

For contributions to the clarification of the roots of precision and imprecision in program analysis.

Eric Gilbert
University of Michigan

For influential contributions to the study and building of social computing systems.

Daniel Grosu
Wayne State University

For contributions to resource management in cloud and edge computing

Boris Grot
University of Edinburgh

For contributions to computer architecture in the areas of network-on-chip and cloud-native servers

Tao Gu
Macquarie University

For contributions to mobile and wireless sensing systems

Jingrui He
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

For contributions to modeling data heterogeneity, connecting theory, methodology and real applications

Eva Hornecker
Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar

For contributions to tangible and embodied interaction theory research, and the founding of the ACM TEI conference and community

Christopher Hundhausen
Oregon State University

For leadership and achievement in computing education research

Kyle Jamieson
Princeton University

For contributions in wireless sensing and localization

Shaun K. Kane
Google Research

For leadership in developing technology for people with disabilities, including non-visual UIs and ability-based design

Jofish Kaye
Wells Fargo

For contributions to multimodal human-computer interaction and service leadership to the ACM

Amy J. Ko
University of Washington

For contributions to human-centered theories of program understanding and the development of tools and learning technologies

Oren Kurland
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

For contributions to the field of information retrieval, around formal models and game theoretic approaches

Yang Li
Google Research

For research contributions intersecting human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence

Yun (Eric) Liang
Peking University

For contributions to hardware and software co-design for domain specific accelerators

Lauri Malmi
Aalto University

For contributions to international computing education research

Tommaso Melodia
Northeastern University

For contributions to architectures and algorithms for software-defined wireless networked systems

Ishai Menache
Microsoft Research

For improving cloud efficiency via principled algorithmic solutions

Anders Møller
Aarhus University

For outstanding contributions in static and dynamic program analysis

Briana Morrison
University of Virginia

For scholarship, leadership, and service to computing education and its communities

Santosh G Nagarakatte
Rutgers University

Novel techniques for building formally verified compilers, correct math libraries, and hardware-software interfaces

Arnab Nandi
Ohio State University

For contributions to human-in-the-loop data infrastructure, next-generation query interfaces, and interactive data analytics systems

Michael E. Papka
Argonne National Laboratory
and University of Illinois Chicago

For contributions in virtual reality, collaborative environments, scientific visualization, as well as research and operations in high performance computing

Mathias Payer

For contributions to protecting systems in the presence of vulnerabilities

Sean Peisert
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Davis

For contributions to research in securing large-scale infrastructure

Denys Poshyvanyk
William and Mary

For contributions to integrating software analyses and machine learning for effective software evolution and maintenance

Amir Rahmani
University of California, Irvine

For research in leveraging IoT data and AI for health modeling and life style recommendation systems

Amanda Randles
Duke University

For contributions to advancements in high-fidelity, multi-physics circulatory modeling methods using supercomputing for medical applications

Lionel P. Robert, Jr.
University of Michigan

For contributions to the study of technology-mediated human and human-robot collaborations

Dario Rossi
Huawei Technologies France

For multi-disciplinary approaches and his pioneering adoption of machine learning in networking research

Sudeep Sarkar
University of South Florida

For contributions to the advancement computer vision and gait biometrics

Yan Solihin
University of Central Florida

For contributions to shared cache architecture, secure processors, and persistent memory

Nesime Tatbul
Intel Labs and MIT

For foundational scientific contributions in streaming data systems and time series analytics

Nicola Tonellotto
University of Pisa

For contributions to the design of efficient algorithms for information retrieval systems

Daniel Vogel
University of Waterloo

For contributions to Human-Computer Interaction and applications to novel forms of interaction

Dan Wang
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

For contributions to data-driven applications and platforms for cyber-physical energy systems

Adam Wierman
California Institute of Technology

For contributions to online algorithms, scheduling theory, and their applications to sustainable computing

Lauren Wilcox
eBay, Google Research, and Georgia Institute of Technology

For contributions to research in responsible AI, human–computer interaction, and health informatics

Chang Xu

Nanjing University

For contribution to quality-assured software adaptation and evolution

Meihui Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology

For contributions to end-to-end data analytics and verifiable data management

