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2024年9月11日官網新聞:背景故事 - 澤普在遊戲中的演變


Zip's Evolution Through the Games

Sep 11, 2024

Zip is one of Lara Croft’s key allies; First appearing in Tomb Raider: Chronicles during the classic Era of the Tomb Raider series, and later in Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Underworld as Lara’s tech expert.

在【古墓麗影:歷代記】中,澤普在電腦方面技藝高超。他在創立自己的監控公司之前,曾是馮·克洛工業公司(VCI)有史以來最年輕的員工。他對電腦的興趣並未一直受到美國政府的賞識,因為他經常入侵 FBI 網絡,僅僅因為他有這個能力。這一愛好最終導致他成為VCI有史以來最年輕的離職員工。作為一名心懷不滿的前雇員,他欣然接受了與勞拉合作的機會。
In Tomb Raider: Chronicles, Zip is highly skilled in computing. He became the youngest ever employee of Von Croy Industries (VCI) before setting up his own surveillance company. His computing interests weren’t always appreciated by the U.S. government, as he regularly hacked into FBI networks just because he could. This pastime eventually led to him becoming the youngest ever ex-employee of VCI. As a disgruntled ex-employee, he eagerly jumped at the chance to work with Lara.

Zip assisted Lara during her infiltration of VCI to retrieve the Iris artifact, guiding her through a headset from his surveillance van, which was packed with computers and equipment and parked near the VCI building. Their interactions could best be described as cheeky.

In Tomb Raider: Legend, Zip is Lara’s right-hand man and tech expert. Always in contact with Lara via her headset, he is able to instantly provide her with a wealth of information by accessing various electronic resources and online databases. In his spare time, he tinkers with electronics, developing new technology that might prove useful to Ms. Croft in the field.

In addition to being a savvy purveyor of all things 「geeky,」 Zip is also a distinguished chef who has worked in some of the best kitchens in Northern Europe.

澤普在【古墓麗影:地下世界】中回歸,繼續擔任勞拉的技術專家。然而,當阿曼達派 勞拉之影 去克勞馥莊園奪取幽靈石 時,悲劇發生了。勞拉之影摧毀了莊園並殺死了阿利斯特,導致澤普誤以為勞拉是兇手,因為勞拉之影與她長得非常像。當勞拉告訴他自己將繼續尋找雷神之錘時,他指責勞拉對阿利斯特的死漠不關心。然而,當他意識到幫助勞拉是為阿利斯特報仇的最佳方式時,他很快回到了作為她支持者的角色上。
Zip returns in Tomb Raider: Underworld, continuing his role as Lara’s tech expert. However, tragedy strikes when Amanda sends Lara’s Doppelgänger to retrieve the Wraith Stone from Croft Manor. The Doppelgänger destroys the Manor and kills Alister, leading Zip to mistakenly believe that Lara was responsible due to the Doppelgänger's resemblance to her. He accuses Lara of being indifferent to Alister's death when she informs him she will continue her search for Thor’s Hammer. However, he soon steps back and resumes his supporting role once he realizes that helping Lara is the best way to avenge Alister’s death.

Zip Evolution

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