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The Story of a Stone一個石頭的故事


The Story of a Stone


In a small village nestled among the hills, there lived a young boy named Tom. Tom was known among his peers as a dreamer, someone who often stared at the sky with a faraway look in his eyes. But what they didn't know was that Tom had a very special friend: a stone.


It was just an ordinary stone, picked up from the riverbed near his home. But to Tom, it was a symbol of his dreams and aspirations. He carried it with him everywhere, a constant reminder of his goals.


Tom's family was poor, and his parents worked hard to make ends meet. They often told him to be practical, to focus on the here and now. But Tom's heart was set on something greater. He wanted to see the world beyond his village, to learn and explore.


Every day, after his chores were done, Tom would sit by the river and hold his stone tightly. He would gaze at the horizon and imagine what lay beyond. Sometimes he would talk to the stone, pouring out his dreams and fears.


As the years passed, Tom's peers settled into the routine of village life, getting married, having children, and working the fields. But Tom's dreams did not fade. In fact, they grew stronger.


One day, a traveling teacher came to the village. He saw Tom sitting by the river, lost in thought. Curious, he approached and asked what Tom was thinking about. Tom hesitated, then showed the teacher his stone and shared his dreams of seeing the world.


The teacher was impressed. He told Tom that dreams were like seeds that needed to be planted and nurtured. He encouraged Tom to pursue his dreams, no matter how difficult the journey might be.


Inspired, Tom decided to take action. He bid farewell to his family and friends, and set out on a journey with his stone. He faced many challenges along the way: hunger, thirst, exhaustion. But whenever he felt like giving up, he would hold his stone tightly and remember why he was on this journey.


After months of traveling, Tom finally reached his destination: a big city with towering buildings and bustling streets. It was everything he had dreamed of and more.


Tom found work and started saving money. He sent some back to his family and used the rest to further his education. With each passing day, he felt closer to his dreams.


Years later, Tom stood on the balcony of his own house in that big city. He held his stone tightly and looked out at the horizon. He had achieved everything he had dreamed of and more. But he knew that none of it would have been possible without that small stone, which had been his companion and inspiration throughout his journey.


The moral of this story is that dreams do come true if you believe in them and are willing to work hard. Just like Tom, we all have a stone within us that represents our dreams and aspirations. It's up to us to hold on to that stone and never let go, no matter what obstacles we may face along the way.
