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A few people were in the restaurant eating breakfast and Pledger smelled the American smell of coffee and toast and bacon. Grinning with pleasure, he sat down at the counter and took up the menu. 飯店裏有幾個人在吃早飯。他聞到了美國咖啡、烤麪包和熏肉的味道。他高興得咧開嘴笑了,在靠櫃台的地方坐下來,拿起了選單。

(1)A few people were in the restaurant eating breakfast and Pledger smelled the American smell of coffee and toast and bacon:Several people were having breakfast in the restaurant. He smelled American coffee, toast and bacon. 有幾個人在飯店裏吃早飯,他聞到了美國咖啡、烤麪包和熏肉的味道。

(2)Grinning with pleasure, he sat down at the counter and took up the menu:He grinned with delight, sat down near the counter, and picked up the menu. 由於高興,他咧嘴笑了,就在靠近櫃台的地方坐下來,拿起選單。

grin: smile broadly, showing the teeth, mainly in amusement, pleasure, sometimes in contempt咧嘴笑; 露齒而笑; 齜牙咧嘴;笑容燦爛(主要是在娛樂、愉悅時,有時也在輕蔑時)

The boy grinned from ear to ear when his mother gave him an apple. 當媽媽給男孩一個蘋果時,男孩笑得合不攏嘴。

He grinned when he saw his opponent lose the chess game. 看到對手下棋輸了,他笑了。

menu:list of good dishes to be served at a meal選單