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Bricks made from simulated lunar soil, a potential building material for future habitats on the moon, will be sent to China's space station aboard the Tianzhou 8 cargo spacecraft for exposure experiments.


據國家數位建造技術創新中心、華中科技大學教授周誠介紹, 「月壤磚」呈榫卯結構 ,密度與普通磚塊相當, 抗壓力度卻是普通紅磚、混凝土磚的三倍以上,相當於每平方厘米能承受1噸多重量

The bricks made from simulated lunar soil have a density comparable to that of ordinary bricks, but their compressive strength exceeds that of standard red bricks and concrete bricks by more than three times, with one square centimeter able to support over one ton of weight, said Zhou Cheng, a professor from National Center of Technology Innovation for Digital Construction.



  • 月面月晝溫度超過180℃,月夜又到-190℃,想要蓋房子,首先要接受溫度劇烈變化的挑戰。

  • Building a house on the lunar surface could face challenges due to drastic temperature changes on the moon, with temperatures exceeding 180 C during lunar days and reaching -190 C at lunar night.

  • 因為沒有大氣保護,大量宇宙放射線和許多微隕石會撞擊月球表面。

  • Without atmospheric protection, significant levels of cosmic radiation and many micrometeorites would also hit the surface of the moon.

  • 同時還有震動頻率高的月震。

  • And there is frequent moonquake activity.


    All of these will place demanding requirements on the mechanical, thermal and radiation resistance properties of lunar surface construction materials.



    The lunar bricks will be sent to China's space station aboard the Tianzhou 8 cargo spacecraft to verify their mechanical and thermal performance, as well as their ability to withstand cosmic radiation. The first lunar brick is expected to return to Earth by the end of 2025.


  • 「月壤磚」的力學效能。太空環境下,樣品的力學效能會不會退化十分關鍵。

  • 「月壤磚」的熱學效能的變化。

  • 放射線作用對「月壤磚」的影響。因為月球是真空環境,存在大量宇宙放射線,所以「月壤磚」能否經受住宇宙放射線作用,也非常值得驗證。

  • Zhou outlined three key properties of the bricks that will be verified, including the potential degradation of their mechanical properties, their heat preservation and insulation effectiveness, and their ability to withstand cosmic radiation on the moon.



    The whole process of making such bricks by vacuum hot pressing and sintering is divided into three steps, Zhou explained.

  • 第一步,先把模擬月壤進行稱重,按照重量放入模具,因月壤非常松散,所以需要在模具容器裏進行壓制。

  • Researchers need to weigh the simulated lunar soil and then place it in the mould according to its weight. They have to press it into the mould container as the lunar soil is very loose.

  • 壓力施加完畢後,工程師會把壓制成型的、帶有模擬月壤的模具放到真空熱壓爐中,加上隔熱設施,將它升溫燒結。

  • The researcher will then put it into the vacuum hot-pressing furnace. After locking the whole vacuum experimental device, it can be heated up and sintered.

  • 第三步,對「月壤磚」進行高溫燒制。

  • The lunar soil material that the researchers modeled in the lab is similar to the Earth's soil, which is dispersed. To process it, researchers must subject it to high temperatures.


    Zhou noted that the process does not involve any additional material additives, making it a highly promising construction method for future lunar base development.


    在介紹「月壤磚」制作流程時,科研人員提到一個詞—— 原位成型工藝方法



    These simulated bricks will be exposed to experiments in space to accumulate scientific data for building houses on the moon in the future, so as to optimize the actual scheme.



    來源:新華社 央視新聞 環球時報