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狼崽子一窩接一窩,比利時的野生狼群又回來啦!Comeback of the Wolf in Belgium



Comeback of the Wolf in Belgium

本文主要基於 世界自然基金會比利分時會 的文章。您可以點選閱讀原文:https://wwf.be/nl/actualiteit/de-belgische-comeback-van-de-wolf-een-notendop. 本文使用權由世界自然基金會比利分時會友情提供。

This post is largely based on the original article by WWF Belgium . You can check out their article here: https://wwf.be/nl/actualiteit/de-belgische-comeback-van-de-wolf-een-notendop. Rights to use this article were kindly provided by WWF Belgium.

你知道嗎? 100多年來,比利時一直看不到狼的蹤影? 一直到2016年,第一只狼才回來!這是一個引人入勝的傳奇故事。在下一批幼狼出生之前,我們回顧一下狼回歸以來最重要的事件。

Did you know that for more than 100 years, wolves were nowhere to be seen in Belgium? That was until 2016, when the first wolf returned. That was the start of a compelling saga. Before the next batch of cubs is born, we look back at the most important events since the wolf's return.

狼在比利時的回歸是值得慶賀的,因為比利時一直在做野化工作 ,這證明了努力是有效的。野化是指在特定地區重新引入已經消失或滅絕的本地物種,因為擁有多種不同動植物的多樣化的自然環境更能抵禦氣候危機等沖擊。

The return of the wolf in Belgium is a welcome development as it fits in with larger rewilding efforts in Belgium . Rewilding involves reintroducing native species that have disappeared or become extinct in a given region. Because a diverse natural environment, with many different animals and plants, is much more resilient to shocks such as the climate crisis.




We have wolves again!


For 124 years, the wolf disappeared from our Belgian countryside. Until irrefutable evidence showed that a wolf crossed our national borders. Was he just passing through, or did he herald a new chapter for Belgium's biodiversity?




Wolves settle

in our country

為了得到上面那個問題的答案,我們必須耐心等待到2018年。因為就在那時,第一只比利時狼Naya, 在林堡定居下來。它很快就找到了伴侶——August. 為了保持平衡,另一只公狼Akéla也在埃菲爾自然公園(High Fens)定居下來。

For the answer to that question, we had to be patient until 2018. Because that is when Naya, the first Belgian wolf, settled in Limburg. She soon found a partner - August. To balance things out, another male wolf, Akéla, settled in the nature reserve of the High Fens.

Naya and Akéla

©Natuur en Bos / INBO




Naya dies, a tragedy for Belgium


Belgium was anxiously awaiting the first Belgian wolf cubs of the century when a tragedy wiped all hope off the table. Naya was killed. Our country was in turmoil, and August was left alone. Akéla, had not found a mate yet either.




Hope on the horizon


In 2020, we got some good news! In the north of the country, August had found a new girlfriend, Noëlla. The lonely period was also over for Akéla when he met Maxima. The pairs gave us hope for our Belgian wolf population.


2021 & 2022


Record breaking

baby boom!


2021 kicked off with a veritable baby boom. August and Noëlla gave birth to five cubs. Maxima and Akéla welcomed four little ones. And in 2022, they broke their own records: Noëlla and August have no less than nine little wolves, Akéla and Maxima five. The wolf community is in full bloom!

Akéla and Maxima’s cubs

©Natuur en Bos / INBO




New challenges

去年七月,災難降臨在法蘭德斯:August被車輛碾死了。幸運的是,也有好訊息。安特衛普北部出現了一只新狼——Emma。12 月,她找到了一個伴侶——雖然我們並不知道它是誰。


Last July, disaster struck Flanders: August was run over. Fortunately, there is also good news. A new wolf showed up in the north of Antwerp, Emma. And in December she found a partner - he still remains a mystery to us, though.

Maxima and Akéla had a third litter of five cubs, and a wolf and a wolfess from their previous litters settled in the High Fens, close to their parents. The wolfess was joined by a male from the Italian Alps and her brother also found a mate (we do not yet know more about her origins). The two brand-new couples gave birth to little wolves in 2023.

Akéla and Maxima’s cub with her male partner from the Italian Alps

©Natuur en Bos / INBO


Early 2024年初


Four packs and one pair


We currently count four packs and one wolf pair in Belgium. That means there could be a lot of new wolves this spring. Great news, but that also creates new challenges.


We still have a lot to learn before we can live harmoniously with wild animals. But Belgium reacted quickly when the wolf returned, and that reactivity is bearing its fruits. Thanks to the Wolf Fencing Team, Belgian farm animals are well protected from wolf attacks. As a result, in 2023, wolves killed 48% fewer Flemish farm animals than in 2022, and that while the number of wolves increased. From this we can only conclude one thing: we want to and can live together with the wolf.