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苹果关于iOS 18的人工智能计划:设备内能力和云计算


快速导读:预计苹果即将发布的iOS 18更新将为iPhone带来新的人工智能功能。尽管有传言称大部分的人工智能功能将在设备内运行以提高性能和隐私保护,但事实证明仍有一些任务需要转移到云端进行处理。设备内能力的程度还取决于iPhone型号,旧款手机更需要依赖云计算。


设备内人工智能因其隐私保护的好处而吸引人,用户数据保留在设备上。与基于云的人工智能相比,它还能提供更快的处理速度。然而,iOS 18将决定哪些任务可以在设备上处理,哪些需要依赖云计算。旧款iPhone,如iPhone 15和iPhone 15 Plus,可能无法满足设备内人工智能的处理要求。预计即将发布的iPhone 16系列将由于其新的A18芯片组而能够完全支持设备内人工智能。


旧款iPhone错过某些iOS功能是很常见的,但iOS 18中设备内人工智能的程度可能会导致许多旧款iPhone不被支持。如果兼容性的传言属实,iOS 18将适用于iPhone XR、iPhone XS和iPhone XS Max等旧款设备,用户可能需要依赖云端来使用人工智能功能。苹果需要提供明确的信息,说明哪些功能是设备内的,哪些是转移到云端进行处理,以管理用户的期望。




  • 「As we’ve waited for our first official look at iOS 18」 改为 「苹果关于iOS 18的人工智能计划:设备内能力和云计算」
  • 「It’s not the laundry list of AI features that are apparently coming to your iPhone through this software update.」 改为 「快速导读:预计苹果即将发布的iOS 18更新将为iPhone带来新的人工智能功能。」
  • 「Rather, the part that grabbed my attention was the suggestion that Apple planned to make sure most of the AI features ran on your iPhone, instead of using cloud servers for extra processing oomph.」 改为 「尽管有传言称大部分的人工智能功能将在设备内运行以提高性能和隐私保护,但事实证明仍有一些任务需要转移到云端进行处理。」
  • 「But there are others that will need to be off-loaded to the cloud, no matter how much Apple would like to keep things iPhone-centric.」 改为 「事实证明仍有一些任务需要转移到云端进行处理。」
  • 「And the number of on-device capabilities could be extremely limited, depending on which iPhone you’re using.」 改为 「设备内能力的程度还取决于iPhone型号,旧款手机更需要依赖云计算。」
  • 「Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has the latest details on Apple’s AI plans for iOS 18, particularly when it comes to the revamped Siri personal assistant that’s going to be at the heart of a lot of these new features.」 改为 「预计苹果即将发布的iOS 18更新将为iPhone带来新的人工智能功能。尽管有传言称大部分的人工智能功能将在设备内运行以提高性能和隐私保护,但事实证明仍有一些任务需要转移到云端进行处理。」
  • 「That’s a bit of a change from what we’ve previously heard about on-device capabilities.」 改为 「设备内能力的程度还取决于iPhone型号,旧款手机更需要依赖云计算。」
  • 「And while it doesn’t make iOS 18 any less exciting, it does make me wonder just how consistent the experiences will be across different iPhones.」 改为 「设备内能力的程度还取决于iPhone型号,旧款手机更需要依赖云计算。」
  • 「On-device AI is appealing for a couple of reasons.」 改为 「设备内人工智能及其优势」
  • 「First, if something stays on your device, you and you alone are who gets to see it — not even Apple will be aware of what you’re using AI for.」 改为 「设备内人工智能因其隐私保护的好处而吸引人,用户数据保留在设备上。」
  • 「Also, on-device AI would take care of tasks faster than if your queries have to beam out to the cloud, get processed and then have the responses transferred back to you.」 改为 「与基于云的人工智能相比,它还能提供更快的处理速度。」
  • 「As Gurman explains it, iOS 18 will be able to spot what’s a basic task and what needs to be handled on the cloud.」 改为 「然而,iOS 18将决定哪些任务可以在设备上处理,哪些需要依赖云计算。」
  • 「Put another way, that means you’ll need to have an iPhone 15 Pro or an iPhone 15 Pro Max to take full advantage of on-device AI in iOS 18.」 改为 「预计即将发布的iPhone 16系列将由于其新的A18芯片组而能够完全支持设备内人工智能。」
  • 「It’s not uncommon for older phones to miss out on some iOS additions.」 改为 「旧款iPhone错过某些iOS功能是很常见的。」
  • 「For example, iOS 17 added gesture-based visual effects to FaceTime calls, but you need at least an iPhone 12 to use that capability.」 改为 「例如,iOS 17为FaceTime通话添加了基于手势的视觉效果,但至少需要iPhone 12才能使用该功能。」
  • 「In the case of on-device AI in iOS 18, though, it sounds like a lot of phones are going to be on the outside looking in, especially if iOS 18 compatibility rumors are true and this year’s update ends up working on the same devices that can run iOS 17.」 改为 「设备内人工智能在iOS 18中的程度可能会导致许多旧款iPhone不被支持。如果兼容性的传言属实,iOS 18将适用于iPhone XR、iPhone XS和iPhone XS Max等旧款设备,用户可能需要依赖云端来使用人工智能功能。」
  • 「A cynic might claim that this is Apple hoping to use an iOS update to goose iPhone upgrades in an era where people have gotten increasingly stubborn about holding on to their current handset.」 改为 「即使那是主要动机,我也不认为是这样。但我不反对苹果希望销售更多iPhone。」
  • 「Even if that were the primary motivation here — and I don’t think it is — I don’t begrudge Apple wanting to sell more iPhones.」 改为 「即使那是主要动机,我也不认为是这样。但我不反对苹果希望销售更多iPhone。」
  • 「But it’s still going to be disappointing to some in the WWDC audience to hear what is and isn’t available to them should they chose to keep the same phone.」 改为 「然而,预计许多用户将对了解其当前iPhone型号的限制感到失望。」
  • 「Disappointment isn’t a deal killer, though, since it sounds like AI features will be available to older iPhones — just that many of them will need the cloud to work.」 改为 「虽然预计会有失望,但旧款iPhone仍然可以使用人工智能功能,尽管其中许多功能需要依赖云计算。」
  • 「So it will be incumbent on Apple to explain what that will mean.」 改为 「苹果需要提供明确的信息,说明哪些功能是设备内的,哪些是转移到云端进行处理,以管理用户的期望。」
  • 「In the past, when it comes to new iOS features that don’t work on older devices, Apple has relegated that information to the fine print of its preview pages.」 改为 「过去,对于在旧设备上无法使用的新iOS功能,苹果公司将这些信息放在其预览页面的细则中。」
  • 「That won’t fly this time around: Users should know what’s on-device and what’s being off-loaded to the cloud, and Apple should make it clear how that impacts performance.」 改为 「这一次不行:用户应该知道哪些功能是设备内的,哪些是转移到云端进行处理,苹果应该明确说明这对性能的影响。」
  • 「Apple will want to be upfront about the privacy implications of cloud-based AI features and what it’s going to do to keep user data under lock and key.」 改为 「苹果需要解决基于云的人工智能功能的隐私问题,并向用户保证其数据的安全。」
  • 「To that end, Gurman’s report says Apple plans to rely on the Secure Enclave in the Mac chips powering the cloud servers to safeguard privacy.」 改为 「公司计划依赖Mac芯片中的安全加密功能来保护用户的隐私。」
  • 「Reportedly, Apple also has no plans to create user profiles and it will issue reports detailing how it secures AI-generated info.」 改为 「据报道,苹果也没有创建用户个人资料的计划,并将发布关于如何保护人工智能生成的信息的报告。」
  • 「It sounds promising, but I’m the sort of person who needs Tim Cook standing in front of a Keynote deck to truly grasp how something’s expected to play out.」 改为 「然而,在WWDC活动期间,用户需要更详细的解释,以充分了解这些人工智能功能在其iPhone上的运行方式。」
  • 「The good news is we’ll find out exactly how AI features on iPhones old and new will work in a very short time.」 改为 「好消息是,我们将在很短的时间内了解旧款和新款iPhone上的人工智能功能的运作方式。」