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Today, the editor brings the "4.2 net flow equation for intuitive preference relationships of the intensively read PhD thesis 'A Multi-Attribute Group Decision-Making approach considering expert consensus under generalised nultiplicative preference information'".

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一、内容摘要(Summary of Content)


This tweet will introduce the 4.2 net flow equation for intuitive preference relationships of the intensively read PhD thesis "A Multi-Attribute Group Decision-Making approach considering expert consensus under generalised nultiplicative preference information" in terms of mind mapping, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplementation.

二、思维导图(Mind Maps)

三、精读内容(Intensive reading content)


Some scholars proposed the transformation relationship between IFPR (intuitive fuzzy preference relation) and IVFPR (interval fuzzy preference relation), and introduced this transformation relationship in this chapter to obtain the net flow value equation of IFPR. In addition, this p transforms IMPR (intuitive multiplicative preference relation) into IVMPR (interval multiplicative preference relation), and on this basis, proposes the method of determining the priority weights of IFPR and IMPR based on the net flow value equation respectively.

(一)直觉模糊偏好关系与区间模糊偏好关系的转化方法( The transformation method of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation and interval fuzzy preference relation)


The author first introduces the transformation method of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation and interval fuzzy preference relation, as shown below.

(二)直觉乘性偏好关系与区间乘性偏好关系的转化方法( The transformation method of intuitive multiplicative preference relation and interval multiplicative preference relation)


In this part, the author first introduces the transformation method of intuitive multiplicative preference relationship and interval multiplicative preference relationship, as shown in the figure below.


According to the above transformation, the following proposition can be obtained.

(三)两种偏好关系的净流值方程(The net flow value equation of the two preference relationships)


Some scholars proposed input and output stream functions of FPR (fuzzy preference relation) and MPR (multiplicative preference relation) respectively, and constructed MAGDM (multi-attribute group decision making) method based on net current value theory under mixed preference information co-existing FPR and MPR. Inspired by the above literature, this chapter puts forward the net flow value equation of IFPR and IMPR, and applies it to the subsequent research.


In this part, according to the method derived in p 1, the author deduced the output flow function and input flow equation representing the overall preference range of the scheme compared with all other schemes in IVFPR (interval fuzzy preference relation), as shown in the figure below.


Similarly, the net flow value equation of the IVMPR (interval multiplicative preference relation) can also be obtained.

四、知识补充——净流值(Knowledge replenishment - net flow value)


Net present value refers to the difference between the present value of future capital (cash) inflow (income) and the present value of future capital (cash) outflow (expenditure), which is the basic index of the net present value method in project evaluation. The future capital inflow and capital outflow are converted to the present value according to the present value coefficient of each period of the estimated discount rate, and then the net present value is determined. This projected discount rate is determined according to the lowest return on investment of the enterprise. Is the lowest acceptable level of corporate investment.


The adoption rule of net current value is that in the adoption and rejection decision of only one alternative, those with positive net present value will adopt, and those with negative net present value will not adopt. In mutually exclusive choice decisions with multiple alternatives, the one with the largest positive net present value should be chosen.






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王睿. 广义乘性偏好信息下考虑专家共识的多属性群决策方法 [D]. 四川: 西南交通大学, 2022.


文案| Ann

排版| Ann

审核| Zheng