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Fig. 1 Trends in the percentage of undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded to women in the United States of America, National Center for Education Statistics5.

Arrow widths are proportional to the rate of increase. Trendlines were determined through regularized linear regression.

來自英國華威大學化學系的Livia B. Pártay等,透過對文獻數據的參照和分析,回顧了當前女性在科學領域面臨的挑戰和障礙。根據美國教育統計中心報告,特別是美國學術機構按學科和性別頒發的學位數量,在過去30年裏,授予女性研究生學位的比例在所有領域都得到穩步上升,但科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)學科的男女本科生之間的差距仍然很大。

Fig. 2 Percentages of female faculty across ranks, as reported by the Academic Analytics Research Center .

Striped bars indicate faculty of unknown gender. Here we use the American- style professorial ranks, where an 「assistant」 professor refers to a pre-tenure junior professor, an 「associate」 professor refers to a post-tenure mid-level professor, and a 「full」 professor refers to a senior-level tenured professo r.


Fig. 3 A Summary of gender inequity causes, manifestations, and responses.

Many of these phenomena are interrelated, and it is important to take a multi-pronged approach to addressing the causes and manifestations of these inequities. Individual images obtained through the Noun Project (thenounproject.com).


本篇論文對計算材料研究領域中的性別不平等進行了總結,希望可以提高科學界的認識,並推動學術界走向更公平的環境。該文近期釋出於 npj Computational Materials 9: 98 (2023)。

Fig. 4 Usage of artificial intelligence. Would you use an AI tool to create graphics for your presentation or visual communications?

Four computational materials scientists having a research discussion, as imagined by the AI tool images.ai, only depicts older white men.

Editorial Summary

The unequal treatment faced by women in computational materials researchWhile attitudes on gender equity and parity have considerably improved in recent history, there are still measurable inequities stemming from systemic bias in the career progression, recognition, and perception of women in the sciences, including our sub-field of computational materials research.

Addressing the obstacles to equity is in everyone’s interest. Making research inclusive is critical, not only from an ethical standpoint, but also for attracting and retaining dedicated and talented minds, enhancing the vibrancy of all fields, and nurturing a diverse range of ideas.

Diversity in representation and thought can increase a group’s collective intelligence, improve productivity, and improve retention in growing fields such as ours. Representation of the entire populace is also necessary for ensuring that science is responsible and relevant to societal needs.

In a perspective, Livia B. Pártay et al . from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick, UK, reviewed the current challenges and barriers for women in science, citing data and analysis from the literature. Based on the number of degrees awarded by subject and gender by US academic institutions reported by the US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the authors demonstrated that the proportion of graduate degrees awarded to women has steadily increased in all fields over the past 30 years, but the gap between male and female undergraduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines often still looms large.

The barriers that women face in STEM environments can often be summed up as: Unconscious biases- stereotypes about women’s fitness for the field, the Marie Curie Strategy-special personality traits deemed necessary for a woman’s success, Caring Responsibilities-expectation that woman assume the primary burden of caretaking, Decreased Visibility-exclusion of woman scientists and lack of prominent role models.

These biases and barriers can be measured in a range of different ways, from a cognitive perspective, such as low citation rates, short letters of recommendation, lower funding, award inequality, gendered student evaluations, in terms of the working environment, decreased networking opportunities, disproportionate workload.

The first step in addressing the barriers is to acknowledge the existence of bias and then take practical action, such as unconscious bias training to identify and address social stereotypes, changing the narrative to show and advertise the goals of research to diverse student populations, improving visibility and mentoring to encourage belonging and professional confidence, improving environments by installing inclusiveness in institutional policies and informal interactions, reforming funding and awards to increase transparency and broaden accomplishment metrics beyond publications, checking gender-bias in citations and recommendations through Citation Diversity Statement (CDS) and other tools.

This paper summarizes the gender inequality in the field of computational materials research, hoping to raise awareness in the scientific community and move academia towards a more equitable environment. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 9 , 98 (2023).


Not yet defect-free: the current landscape for women in computational materials research (尚不完美:計算材料研究中女性的現狀)Livia B. Pártay, Erin G. Teich & Rose K. Cersonsky