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Today, the editor brings the 「Knowledge of multi-attribute decision-making」.

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The VIOKR method was first proposed by Professor Opricavic from former Yugoslavia in the late 1990s. This method is an improvement on the final ranking based on the ideal point method, which optimizes the research of multi-attribute decision-making problems by adopting a compromise approach. The first step in the basic principle of the VIKOR method is similar to that of the TOPSIS method, which is to obtain both positive and negative ideal solutions. Next, a compromise ranking is performed based on the distance between the evaluation value and the ideal solution. The core of this method is not only to maximize the group benefit value, but also to minimize the individual regret value, and to incorporate the decision-maker's personal preferences into it, so that the decision-maker can ultimately accept the compromise solution obtained. In the evaluation process of the scheme, the VIKOR method utilizes the Lmetric aggregation function with the compromise ranking idea, and the measurement description of this function is as follows:


The compromise solution legend of the VIKOR method is shown in the following figure:



The relevant calculation steps are as follows:

Step 1: Determine positive and negative ideal solutions


Step 2: Calculate the group benefit value and individual regret value of each plan

步驟三:計算各方案的最終 VIKOR 值Qi 。

Step 3: Calculate the final VIKOR value Qi for each scheme.

其中Edi和EHi均為成本型變量,即變量的取值結果越小越好。Qi為第i個方案的綜合評價值,Qi的取值越小方案越優。X1、X2Î [0,1]為決策系數,用來表示決策者的個人偏好度。若X1>X2時就表示決策者更加偏好於群體的觀點,認為群體觀點更重要;若X1<X2時就表示決策者更加偏好於個體遺憾度,認為個體觀點更重要;若X1=X2= 0.5時表示決策者不存在明顯的偏好情況。

Edi and EHi are both cost type variables, meaning that the smaller the value of the variable, the better. Qi is the comprehensive evaluation value of the i-th scheme, and the smaller the value of Qi, the better the scheme. X1, X2 Î [0,1] are decision coefficients used to represent the individual preferences of decision-makers. If X1>X2, it indicates that decision-makers are more inclined towards the perspective of the group and believe that the group perspective is more important; If X1<X2, it indicates that decision-makers are more inclined towards individual regret and believe that individual opinions are more important; If X1=X2=0.5, it indicates that the decision-maker does not have a clear preference situation.




Step 4: Sort the alternative solutions based on the calculated group benefit value Edi, individual regret value EHi, and VIKOR value Qi, and obtain three sets of sequence sorting tables.

There are two main constraints for VIKOR: threshold and decision reliability.

The threshold formula is:

當有多個方案進行排序時,要將排在第一方案的 Q 值與排在第二、第三等方案的Q 值一一進行比較,看是否滿足約束條件 1。該約束條件是為保證決策方案間具有較強 的顯著性。

When there are multiple options for sorting, compare the Q values of the first option with those of the second, third, and other options one by one to see if constraint 1 is met. This constraint is to ensure strong saliency between decision options.






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參考文獻:劉大林. 基於VIKOR方法的電商環境下供應商評價研究[D]. 沈陽工業大學, 2021.