當前位置: 華文世界 > 教育




1. 資訊科技:Information Technology (IT)

2. 銀行業:Banking

3. 保險業:Insurance

4. 醫療保健:Healthcare

5. 娛樂業:Entertainment

6. 餐飲業:Restaurant

7. 建築業:Architecture

8. 教育行業:Education

9. 法律行業:Law

10. 會計行業:Accounting

11. 零售業:Retail

12. 制造業:Manufacturing

13. 通訊行業:Communications

14. 交通運輸業:Transportation

15. 旅遊業:Tourism

16. 農業:Agriculture

17. 環境保護:Environmental Protection

18. 藝術行業:Art

19. 新聞行業:Journalism

20. 公共關系:Public Relations (PR)

21. 能源行業:Energy

22. 礦業:Mining

23. 金融服務:Financial Services

24. 房地產:Real Estate

25. 廣告業:Advertising

26. 行銷行業:Marketing

27. 化妝品行業:Cosmetics

28. 玩具行業:Toys

29. 體育行業:Sports

30. 娛樂行業:Entertainment

31. 音樂行業:Music

32. 電影行業:Film

33. 遊戲行業:Gaming

34. 時尚行業:Fashion

35. 珠寶行業:Jewelry

36. 美容行業:Beauty

37. 攝影行業:Photography

38. 出版行業:Publishing

39. 新聞行業:Journalism

40. 餐飲業:Restaurant

41. 娛樂業:Entertainment

42. 藝術行業:Art

43. 公共關系:Public Relations (PR)

44. 通訊行業:Communications

45. 交通運輸業:Transportation

46. 旅遊業:Tourism

47. 農業:Agriculture

48. 環境保護:Environmental Protection

49. 建築業:Architecture

50. 教育行業:Education

51. 法律行業:Law

52. 會計行業:Accounting

53. 零售業:Retail

54. 制造業:Manufacturing

55. 高科技行業:High-tech Industry

56. 網絡科技行業:Internet Technology (IT) Industry

57. 網絡行銷行業:Internet Marketing Industry

58. 網絡服務行業:Internet Service Industry

59. 網絡科技咨詢行業:Internet Technology Consulting Industry

60. 網絡科技支持服務行業:Internet Technology Support Services Industry

61. 網絡科技開發服務行業:Internet Technology Development Services Industry

62. 網絡科技培訓服務行業:Internet Technology Training Services Industry

63. 網絡科技教育服務行業:Internet Technology Education Services Industry當然,以下是一些其他行業的英文名稱:

64. 網絡安全行業:Cybersecurity Industry

65. 區塊鏈行業:Blockchain Industry

66. 人工智能行業:Artificial Intelligence (AI) Industry

67. 虛擬現實行業:Virtual Reality (VR) Industry

68. 增強現實行業:Augmented Reality (AR) Industry

69. 物聯網行業:Internet of Things (IoT) Industry

70. 生物科技行業:Biotechnology Industry

71. 納米科技行業:Nanotechnology Industry

72. 太空科技行業:Space Technology Industry

73. 清潔能源行業:Clean Energy Industry

74. 可持續能源行業:Sustainable Energy Industry

75. 綠色科技行業:Green Technology Industry

76. 醫療科技行業:Medical Technology Industry

77. 移動科技行業:Mobile Technology Industry

78. 遊戲開發行業:Game Development Industry

79. 影視後期制作行業:Film and Television Post-Production Industry

80. 影視特效制作行業:Film and Television Special Effects Industry

81. 影視編劇行業:Screenwriting Industry

82. 影視導演行業:Directing Industry

83. 影視制片行業:Filmmaking Industry

84. 影視投資行業:Film and Television Investing Industry

85. 數碼創意行業:Digital Creative Industry

86. 網絡設計行業:Web Design Industry

87. UI/UX設計行業:User Interface (UI)/User Experience (UX) Design Industry

88. 遊戲設計行業:Game Design Industry

89. 遊戲編程行業:Game Programming Industry

90. 遊戲美術設計行業:Game Art and Design Industry

91. 遊戲音效設計行業:Game Audio Design Industry

92. 遊戲測試行業:Game Testing Industry

93. 遊戲市場行銷行業:Game Marketing and Sales Industry

94. 遊戲發行與營運行業:Game Publishing and Operating Industry

95. 遊戲教育培訓行業:Game Education and Training Industry當然,以下是一些其他行業的英文名稱:

96. 音樂制作行業:Music Production Industry

97. 音樂發行行業:Music Publishing Industry

98. 音樂市場行銷行業:Music Marketing Industry

99. 音樂教育培訓行業:Music Education and Training Industry

100. 音樂節組織行業:Music Festival Organization Industry

101. 音樂制作與錄音棚營運行業:Music Production and Recording Studio Operations Industry

102. 音樂會與演唱會組織行業:Concert and Concert Promotion Industry

103. 音樂影視制作行業:Music Video and Feature Film Production Industry

104. 音樂與舞蹈培訓行業:Music and Dance Training Industry

105. 電影特效制作行業:Film Visual Effects Industry

106. 電影拍攝與制作行業:Cinematography and Filmmaking Industry

107. 電影劇本創作行業:Screenplay Writing Industry

108. 電影市場行銷與發行行業:Film Marketing and Distribution Industry

109. 電影投資與制片行業:Film Investing and Producing Industry

110. 電影評論與影評行業:Film Criticism and Reviewing Industry

111. 電影教育與培訓行業:Film Education and Training Industry

112. 電影研究與學術界:Film Studies and Scholarship Industry

113. 電視節目制作行業:Television Programming and Production Industry

114. 電視節目發行與播放行業:Television Programming Distribution and Broadcasting Industry

115. 電視新聞與報道行業:Television News and Reporting Industry

116. 電視廣告與市場行銷行業:Television Advertising and Marketing Industry

117. 電視教育與培訓行業:Television Education and Training Industry

118. 電視研究與學術界:Television Studies and Scholarship Industry

119. 電視節目策劃與營運行業:Television Programming Planning and Operating Industry

120. 電視節目評估與咨詢行業:Television Programming Evaluation and Consulting Industry當然,以下是一些其他行業的英文名稱:

121. 攝影行業:Photography Industry

122. 美術行業:Fine Art Industry

123. 插畫行業:Illustration Industry

124. 平面設計與制作行業:Graphic Design and Production Industry

125. 包裝設計行業:Package Design Industry

126. 時尚設計行業:Fashion Design Industry

127. 時裝模特行業:Fashion Modeling Industry

128. 時尚攝影行業:Fashion Photography Industry

129. 時尚編輯與出版行業:Fashion Editing and Publishing Industry

130. 時尚市場行銷與推廣行業:Fashion Marketing and Promotion Industry

131. 時尚教育與培訓行業:Fashion Education and Training Industry

132. 室內設計行業:Interior Design Industry

133. 建築設計行業:Architectural Design Industry

134. 景觀設計行業:Landscape Design Industry

135. 城市規劃與設計行業:Urban Planning and Design Industry

136. 室內裝飾與裝修行業:Interior Decorating and Furnishing Industry

137. 家具設計行業:Furniture Design Industry

138. 藝術品收藏與投資行業:Art Collections and Investments Industry

139. 藝術品拍賣與交易行業:Art Auctions and Trade Industry

140. 藝術品修復與保護行業:Art Restoration and Conservation Industry

141. 藝術品教育與培訓行業:Art Education and Training Industry

142. 藝術品研究與學術界:Art Studies and Scholarship Industry當然,以下是一些其他行業的英文名稱:

143. 運動與健身行業:Sports and Fitness Industry

144. 健身教練行業:Fitness Trainer Industry

145. 運動傷害預防與治療行業:Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Industry

146. 體育管理行業:Sports Management Industry

147. 體育行銷與廣告行業:Sports Marketing and Advertising Industry

148. 體育新聞與報道行業:Sports Journalism and Broadcasting Industry

149. 體育教育與培訓行業:Sports Education and Training Industry

150. 體育研究與學術界:Sports Research and Scholarship Industry

151. 戶外運動與探險行業:Outdoor Sports and Adventure Industry

152. 旅遊與酒店管理行業:Tourism and Hospitality Management Industry

153. 旅行社與旅遊規劃行業:Travel Agency and Tour Planning Industry

154. 酒店營運與管理行業:Hotel Operations and Management Industry

155. 餐飲服務與管理行業:Catering Services and Management Industry

156. 美容與美發行業:Beauty and Hairdressing Industry

157. 美甲與手足護理行業:Nail and Manicure Services Industry

158. 皮膚護理與治療行業:Skin Care and Cosmetics Industry

159. 整形外科與美容手術行業:Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Industry

160. 心理健康服務行業:Mental Health Services Industry

161. 心理咨詢與治療行業:Counseling and Therapy Services Industry

162. 精神健康研究與學術界:Mental Health Research and Scholarship Industry當然,以下是一些其他行業的英文名稱:

163. 法律服務行業:Legal Services Industry

164. 律師行業:Lawyers

165. 法官行業:Judges

166. 法律顧問行業:Legal Consultants

167. 法律助理行業:Legal Assistants

168. 法律研究與學術界:Legal Research and Scholarship Industry

169. 法律教育與培訓行業:Legal Education and Training Industry

170. 知識產權服務行業:Intellectual Property Services Industry

171. 專利代理人行業:Patent Agents

172. 商標代理人行業:Trademark Agents

173. 版權代理人行業:Copyright Agents

174. 知識產權律師行業:Intellectual Property Lawyers

175. 知識產權研究與學術界:Intellectual Property Research and Scholarship Industry

176. 保險服務行業:Insurance Services Industry

177. 保險公司行業:Insurance Companies

178. 保險代理人行業:Insurance Agents

179. 保險經紀人行業:Insurance Brokers

180. 保險精算師行業:Actuaries

181. 保險理賠師行業:Claims Adjusters

182. 保險市場行銷與推廣行業:Insurance Marketing and Promotion Industry

183. 保險教育與培訓行業:Insurance Education and Training Industry


184. 金融行業:Financial Services Industry

185. 銀行業:Banking

186. 投資銀行業:Investment Banking

187. 證券交易行業:Securities Trading

188. 保險行業:Insurance

189. 金融市場與監管行業:Financial Markets and Regulation

190. 資產管理行業:Asset Management

191. 金融科技行業:FinTech

192. 區塊鏈與加密貨幣行業:Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

193. 農業與食品行業:Agriculture and Food Industry

194. 農業生產與銷售行業:Agricultural Production and Sales

195. 食品加工與制造行業:Food Processing and Manufacturing

196. 餐飲服務行業:Catering Services

197. 營養與健康行業:Nutrition and Health Industry

198. 健身與營養咨詢行業:Fitness and Nutrition Consulting

199. 醫療保健行業:Healthcare Industry

200. 醫療機構管理行業:Healthcare Institution Management

201. 醫療技術行業:Healthcare Technology

202. 醫療器材制造行業:Medical Device Manufacturing

203. 醫療研究與學術界:Healthcare Research and Scholarship

204. 教育行業:Education Industry

205. 學校教育行業:School Education

206. 高等教育行業:Higher Education

207. 職業教育與培訓行業:Vocational Education and Training

208. 教育技術行業:Education Technology

209. 教育咨詢與評估行業:Education Consulting and Evaluation

210. 社會工作與公共服務行業:Social Work and Public Services Industry

211. 政府機構與管理行業:Government Agencies and Management

212. 社會福利服務行業:Social Welfare Services

213. 社區發展與規劃行業:Community Development and Planning

214. 非營利組織管理行業:Non-profit Organization Management

215. 環保與可持續發展行業:Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Industry

216. 清潔能源與可持續發展行業:Clean Energy and Sustainable Development Industry

217. 可持續城市規劃與設計行業:Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Industry

218. 可持續農業與農村發展行業:Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Industry

219. 可持續旅遊與旅遊業發展行業:Sustainable Tourism and Travel Industry Development

220. 可再生能源與節能技術行業:Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technology Industry