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10 most popular courses at Harvard University


1. Introductory Statistics 基礎統計學:

This course is a Harvard staple, providing a foundational understanding of statistical analysis for students across various disciplines. Its popularity stems from its relevance to real-world data analysis and its accessibility for students with diverse backgrounds.


2. Computer Science 電腦科學:

This introductory computer science course is renowned for its engaging curriculum, hands-on projects, and celebrity lecturer, Brian Kernighan. It equips students with programming skills and computational thinking, making it a popular choice for both aspiring programmers and curious minds.


3. Justice 正義

This introductory course delves into the complexities of the American justice system, exploring topics like criminal law, incarceration, and social justice. Its popularity stems from its relevance to contemporary social issues and its thought-provoking discussions.


4. Human Evolutionary Biology 人類前進演化生物學:

This course explores the fascinating world of human evolution, covering topics like genetics, anatomy, and behavior. Its popularity lies in its ability to connect the past to the present and shed light on what makes us uniquely human.


5. Economics 經濟學:

This introductory economics course provides a fundamental understanding of economic principles like supply and demand, market forces, and government intervention. Its popularity stems from its applicability to everyday life and its relevance to understanding the global economy.


6. Introduction to Psychology 心理學導論:

This course delves into the fascinating world of the human mind, exploring topics like perception, learning, memory, and emotion. Its popularity stems from its broad appeal and its ability to provide insights into our own thoughts and behaviors.


7. Introduction to Congress 國會導論:

This course provides an in-depth look at the inner workings of the United States Congress, covering topics like legislative procedures, political parties, and the relationship between Congress and the executive branch. Its popularity lies in its relevance to American politics and its ability to demystify the often-opaque world of government.


8. Shakespeare 莎士比亞:

This course explores the timeless works of William Shakespeare, delving into themes like love, loss, power, and identity. Its popularity stems from the enduring appeal of Shakespeare's plays and the opportunity to engage with classic literature in a dynamic classroom setting.


9. Moral Reasoning 道德推理:

This course examines different ethical theories and frameworks for making moral decisions. Its popularity stems from its relevance to everyday life and its ability to foster critical thinking and ethical awareness.


10. Introduction to Modern China 現代中國導論:

This course provides a comprehensive overview of China's history, politics, economy, and society in the modern era. Its popularity stems from China's growing global influence and the desire to understand this complex and rapidly developing nation.
