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Top 10 universities in Japan and South Korea


Japan 日本:

1. University of Tokyo (東京大學)

- Located in Bunkyo, Tokyo, the University of Tokyo is renowned for its academic excellence and is often considered the top university in Japan.

- 位於東京文京區的東京大學以其學術卓越而聞名,通常被認為是日本最好的大學之一。

2. Kyoto University (京都大學)

- Situated in Kyoto, Kyoto University is another prestigious institution known for its research contributions and strong academic programs.

- 京都大學位於京都,是另一所以其研究貢獻和強大學術專案而著稱的名校。

3. Osaka University (大阪大學)

- Osaka University, located in Osaka, focuses on innovation and is recognized for its cutting-edge research across various disciplines.

- 位於大阪的大阪大學專註於創新,並以其跨學科的前沿研究而受到認可。

4. Tokyo Institute of Technology (東京工業大學)

- Known for its emphasis on science and technology, the Tokyo Institute of Technology is a leading institution in engineering and natural sciences.

- 以其對科學技術的強調而聞名的東京工業大學是工程和自然科學領域的領先機構。

5. Waseda University (早稲田大學)

- Waseda University in Tokyo is known for its strong emphasis on liberal arts education and has a prominent position in the academic landscape.

- 位於東京的早稲田大學以其對人文教育的強調而聞名,在學術界占據重要地位。

South Korea 南韓:

1. Seoul National University (首爾大學)

- As the top university in South Korea, Seoul National University is recognized for its comprehensive academic programs and research.

- 作為南韓頂尖大學,首爾大學以其全面的學術專案和研究而受到認可。

2. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (南韓科學技術院)

- KAIST, located in Daejeon, is a prestigious institution known for its focus on science and technology research and innovation.

- 位於大田的南韓科學技術院以其專註於科學技術研究和創新而聞名。

3. POSTECH - Pohang University of Science and Technology (浦項科技大學)

- POSTECH is a leading science and engineering university located in Pohang, emphasizing research and technological advancements.

- 位於浦項的浦項科技大學是一所重點推崇研究和技術進步的科學和工程大學。

4. Yonsei University (延世大學)

- Yonsei University, located in Seoul, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in South Korea, offering a wide range of academic programs.

- 位於首爾的延世大學是南韓最古老和最負盛名的大學之一,提供廣泛的學術專案。

5. Korea University (高麗大學)

- Korea University, situated in Seoul, is known for its strong emphasis on research and its contributions to various academic fields.

- 位於首爾的高麗大學以其對研究的強調和對各個學科的貢獻而聞名。