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Today, the editor brings the extensions and conclusion of the article "Decision making under uncertainty when preference information is incomplete".

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1 內容摘要(Content summary)


Today, the editor will interpret and share the extensions and conclusion of the article "Decision making under uncertainty when preference information is incomplete" from the three ps of "mind map, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement".

2 思維導圖(Mind mapping)

3 精讀內容(Intensive reading content)


The fifth p of the article is the extension part. In this p, the author discusses two extensions of the previous framework. The first extension is to consider situations where the decision maker's preferences in the random event under investigation are inconsistent with the axioms of the expected utility framework. The second expansion is an introduction to the advantages of almost randomness and three different styles, and explains how to integrate them.


The first extends to an explanation of elicitation errors, explaining why comparisons made by the decision-maker may be inconsistent with expected utility theory, perhaps because the decision-maker's actual preferences do not satisfy the expected utility axiom. The methodological framework presented by the authors can identify and deal with these inconsistencies.


Subsequent authors describe three different types of errors that are easily explained, namely when accounting for noise in comparisons corrupts expected utility assessments, when assumptions error resides in the perception of outcome values, and when decision makers make wrong choices.

第二個擴充套件為幾乎隨機優勢,講了透過假設附加結構來降低隨機優勢約束的嚴重性的想法的一些具體實踐,分為三個例項,前兩個對效用函數做了假設,與本文框架較為接近,第三個與第一節中的方法較為接近。作者提出了擴充套件結果以分別實作這三種情況中所提議的松弛的方法,分別為Meyer松弛、Leshno Levy松弛和Lizyayev松弛。

The second extension, Almost Random Advantage, talks about some concrete practice of the idea of reducing the severity of the stochastic advantage constraint by assuming additional structure. It is divided into three examples. The first two make assumptions about the utility function and are closer to the framework of this article. The third one is closer to the method in the first p. The authors propose methods to extend the results to implement the proposed relaxations in these three cases, respectively Meyer relaxation, Leshno Levy relaxation and Lizyayev relaxation.


In the conclusion part, the author summarizes the main content of the article, that is, a simple method for processing incomplete information about utility functions is proposed, and three different formulations of goals and three different types of utility function sets are studied. The article also has many innovative points, such as proposing a robust deterministic equivalent formula, a model involving S-shaped utility and prudent utility, etc.


The framework proposed in the article leaves a lot of room for further research, such as how to obtain accurate information about risk preferences from decision makers.

4 知識補充(Knowledge supplement)


What is the expected utility hypothesis?


The expected utility hypothesis holds that in microeconomics, game theory, and decision theory, under risk situations, the choice an individual makes is to pursue the maximization of a certain amount of expected value. This hypothesis is used to explain the expected value in insurance.


Regarding the expected utility hypothesis of risky behavior, it essentially assumes that a single decision maker has a von Neumann Morgenstern utility function or a von Neumann Morgenstern utility index defined on some set of outcomes. When an individual decision maker is faced with alternative expectations about these outcomes, he will choose the expectation that maximizes the expected value.


Since outcomes can be expressed as wealth levels, multidimensional sets of goods, time flows of consumption, or non-numerical outcomes, this theory can be used in many ways. For example, theoretical research on uncertainty economics and applied research on optimal trade and investment under uncertain conditions.






That's all for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about the article,

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and let us meet tomorrow.

I wish you a nice day!




預期效用假說 - MBA智庫百科 (mbalib.com)


Benjamin Armbruster, Erick Delage. Decision making under uncertainty when preference information is incomplete [J]. Management science, 2015, 61(1): 111-128.




