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宮保雞丁 - Kung Pao Chicken

紅燒肉 - Braised Pork Belly

麻婆豆腐 - Mapo Tofu

炒面 - Chow Mein

餃子 - Jiaozi

炒飯 - Fried Rice

燉湯 - Soup

火鍋 - Hot Pot

烤鴨 - Peking Duck

蔥爆羊肉 - Scallion Lamb

涼拌黃瓜 - Cold Cucumber Salad

糖醋排骨 - Sweet & Sour Ribs

清蒸魚 - Steamed Fish

炒時蔬 - Stir-Fried Vegetables

麻辣香鍋 - Spicy Fragrant Pot

酸辣湯 - Hot and Sour Soup

回鍋肉 - Twice-Cooked Pork Slices

魚香肉絲 - Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork

炒肝 - Fried Liver

辣子雞 - Spicy Chicken

酸菜魚 - Fish with Pickled Mustard Greens

醬牛肉 - Beef with Soy Sauce

手撕包菜 - Shredded Cabbage

地三鮮 - Three Delicacies of the Earth

紅燒茄子 - Braised Eggplant

蒜蓉扇貝 - Steamed Scallops with Garlic

酸菜白肉 - Pork with Pickled Mustard Greens

醬爆雞丁 - Chicken with Soy Sauce

蔥油餅 - Scallion Pancake

辣炒蛤蜊 - Spicy Clams

糖醋裏脊 - Sweet & Sour Pork Tenderloin

幹煸四季豆 - Dry-Fried Green Beans

家常豆腐 - Home- style Tofu

蒜蓉空心菜 - Steamed Water Spinach with Garlic

麻辣豆腐 - Spicy Tofu

醬爆魷魚 -Squid with Soy Sauce

紅燒豬蹄 - Braised Pig's Trotters

蒜蓉生菜 - Steamed Lettuce with Garlic

醬爆蝦 - Shrimp with Soy Sauce

酸辣薯仔絲 - Hot and Sour Shredded Potatoes

魚香茄子 - Fish-Flavored Eggplant

幹煸牛肉絲 - Dry-Fried Shredded Beef

炒三絲 - Stir-Fried Three Delicacies

糖醋魚塊 - Sweet & Sour Fish

蒜蓉西蘭花 - Steamed Broccoli with Garlic

紅燒雞塊 - Braised Chicken Chunks

炒豆芽 - Stir-Fried Bean Sprouts

麻辣牛肉 - Spicy Beef

醬燒茄子 - Braised Eggplant with Soy Sauce

紅燒獅子頭 - Braised Meatballs

醬燒鱈魚 - Cod with Soy Sauce

蒜蓉秋葵 - Steamed Okra with Garlic

幹煸四季豆炒肉 - Dry-Fried Green Beans with Pork

醬爆茄子 - Eggplant with Soy Sauce

糖醋裏脊絲 - Sweet & Sour Shredded Pork Tenderloin

紅燒鯽魚 - Braised Crucian Carp

麻辣魚片 - Spicy Fish Slices

炒蟹肉 - Stir-Fried Crab Meat

蒜蓉菠菜 - Steamed Spinach with Garlic

糖醋排骨湯 - Sweet & Sour Rib Soup

醬燒豆腐 - Braised Tofu with Soy Sauce

麻辣小龍蝦 - Spicy Lobster

蒜蓉茼蒿 - Steamed Crown Daisy with Garlic

紅燒豬蹄湯 - Braised Pig's Trotters Soup

酸辣粉 - Hot and Sour Rice Noodles

醬爆蛤蜊 - Clams with Soy Sauce

糖醋魚片 - Sweet & Sour Fish Slices

麻辣香鍋雞 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Chicken

蒜蓉空心菜梗 - Steamed Water Spinach Stems with Garlic

紅燒雞塊面 - Chicken Noodle Soup

醬燒雞塊 - Chicken Chunks with Soy Sauce

麻辣鱈魚 - Spicy Cod

蒜蓉木耳 - Steamed Black Fungus with Garlic

糖醋排骨飯 - Sweet & Sour Rib Rice

紅燒獅子頭湯 - Braised Meatball Soup

酸辣薯仔粉 - Hot and Sour Potato Noodles

醬爆鰻魚 - Eel with Soy Sauce

麻辣豆腐皮 - Spicy Tofu Skin

蒜蓉西藍花 - Steamed Broccoli with Garlic

紅燒雞塊煲 - Chicken Stew

醬燒茄子煲 - Eggplant Stew with Soy Sauce

糖醋魚片煲 - Fish Stew with Sweet & Sour Sauce

麻辣牛肉煲 - Spicy Beef Stew

酸辣湯面 - Hot and Sour Soup Noodles

醬爆蛤蜊煲 - Clam Stew with Soy Sauce

蒜蓉菠菜煲 - Spinach Stew with Garlic

紅燒豬蹄煲 - Pig's Trotter Stew

麻辣小龍蝦煲 - Spicy Lobster Stew

糖醋裏脊煲 - Sweet & Sour Pork Tenderloin Stew

醬燒鱈魚煲 - Cod Stew with Soy Sauce

酸辣粉絲煲 - Hot and Sour Rice Noodle Stew

麻辣香鍋煲 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Stew

蒜蓉秋葵煲 - Okra Stew with Garlic

紅燒魚塊煲 - Fish Stew in Brown Sauce

醬爆雞肉煲 - Chicken Stew with Soy Sauce

麻辣豆腐煲 - Spicy Tofu Stew

糖醋排骨煲 - Sweet & Sour Rib Stew

蒜蓉生菜煲 - Lettuce Stew with Garlic

酸辣肚絲湯 - Hot and Sour Pork Belly Soup

麻辣香鍋 - Spicy Fragrant Pot

蒜蓉扇貝 - Garlic Scallops

糖醋裏脊 - Sweet & Sour Pork Tenderloin

麻辣牛肉面 - Spicy Beef Noodles

紅燒茄子煲 - Eggplant Stew in Brown Sauce

酸辣粉 - Hot and Sour Rice Noodles

醬爆魷魚 - Squid with Soy Sauce

蒜蓉空心菜 - Steamed Water Spinach with Garlic

麻辣火鍋 - Spicy Hot Pot

糖醋魚塊 - Sweet & Sour Fish Cubes

紅燒雞塊 - Chicken in Brown Sauce

麻辣鴨脖 - Spicy Duck Neck

蒜蓉西蘭花 - Steamed Broccoli with Garlic

酸辣湯 - Hot and Sour Soup

醬爆蝦球 - Shrimp Balls with Soy Sauce

麻辣豆腐 - Spicy Tofu

糖醋排骨飯 - Sweet & Sour Rib Rice

紅燒豬蹄 - Pig's Trotter in Brown Sauce

蒜蓉菠菜 - Spinach with Garlic

酸辣粉絲 - Hot and Sour Rice Noodle

麻辣牛肉炒飯 - Spicy Beef Fried Rice

糖醋雞塊 - Sweet & Sour Chicken Cubes

紅燒肉 - Braised Pork Belly in Brown Sauce

蒜蓉生菜 - Lettuce with Garlic

酸辣肚絲湯 - Hot and Sour Pork Belly Soup

醬爆茄子 - Eggplant with Soy Sauce

麻辣香鍋雞 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Chicken

糖醋魚片 - Sweet & Sour Fish Slices

麻辣牛肉燉薯仔 - Spicy Beef Stew with Potatoes

紅燒鯽魚 - Crucian Carp in Brown Sauce

蒜蓉炒空心菜 - Sautéed Water Spinach with Garlic

麻辣鴨掌 - Spicy Duck Feet

糖醋裏脊絲 - Sweet & Sour Pork Tenderloin Shreds

紅燒雞塊面 - Chicken Noodle Soup in Brown Sauce

麻辣豆腐煲 - Spicy Tofu Stew

蒜蓉蒸蝦 - Steamed Shrimp with Garlic

糖醋魚塊煲 - Fish Stew with Sweet & Sour Sauce

紅燒豬蹄面 - Pig's Trotter Noodle Soup in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋肥牛 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Beef

酸辣海帶湯 - Hot and Sour Seaweed Soup

醬爆鰻魚煲 - Eel Stew with Soy Sauce

麻辣牛肉拌面 - Spicy Beef Noodles

糖醋雞塊煲 - Chicken Stew with Sweet & Sour Sauce

紅燒獅子頭 - Braised Meatball

麻辣香鍋魚 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Fish

蒜蓉蒸扇貝 - Steamed Scallops with Garlic

糖醋排骨煲 - Rib Stew with Sweet & Sour Sauce

紅燒雞塊飯 - Chicken Rice in Brown Sauce

麻辣豆腐面 - Spicy Tofu Noodle Soup

酸辣湯面煲 - Hot and Sour Soup Noodle Stew

醬爆茄子面 - Eggplant Noodle Soup with Soy Sauce

麻辣牛肉炒飯 - Spicy Beef Fried Rice

蒜蓉蒸南瓜 - Steamed Pumpkin with Garlic

糖醋脆皮魚 - Sweet & Sour Crispy Fish

紅燒獅子頭煲 - Stewed Meatball Soup in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋雞翅 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Chicken Wings

蒜蓉炒菠菜 - Sautéed Spinach with Garlic

麻辣牛肉湯面 - Spicy Beef Noodle Soup

糖醋蓮藕片 - Sweet & Sour Lotus Root Slices

紅燒雞翅根 - Chicken Wing Root in Brown Sauce

麻辣豆腐燉白菜 - Spicy Tofu Stew with Chinese Cabbage

蒜蓉蒸蝦球 - Steamed Shrimp Balls with Garlic

糖醋排骨燉豆腐 - Sweet & Sour Rib Stew with Tofu

紅燒雞塊拌面 - Chicken Noodle Salad in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋薯仔片 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Potato Slices

酸辣薯仔絲湯 - Hot and Sour Potato Soup

醬爆茄子煲 - Eggplant Stew in Soy Sauce

麻辣牛肉炒面 - Spicy Beef Fried Noodle

糖醋雞塊燉蘑菇 - Sweet & Sour Chicken Stew with Mushrooms

紅燒豬蹄拌黃瓜 - Pig's Trotter Salad with Cucumber in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋蓮藕片 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Lotus Root Slices

蒜蓉炒豆芽 - Sautéed Bean Sprouts with Garlic

麻辣牛肉炒粉絲 - Spicy Beef Stir-Fried Rice Vermicelli

糖醋裏脊燉冬瓜 - Sweet & Sour Pork Tenderloin Stew with Wax Gourd

紅燒雞塊燉豆腐 - Chicken Stew with Tofu in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋豆皮 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Bean Curd Skin

蒜蓉蒸茄子 - Steamed Eggplant with Garlic

麻辣牛肉炒米粉 - Spicy Beef Stir-Fried Rice Noodles

糖醋魚片燉豆腐 - Sweet & Sour Fish Stew with Tofu

紅燒豬蹄燉黃豆 - Pig's Trotter Stew with Soybeans in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋牛百葉 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Ox Tripe

蒜蓉炒空心菜梗 - Sautéed Water Spinach Stems with Garlic

麻辣牛肉燉薯仔胡蘿蔔 - Spicy Beef Stew with Potatoes and Carrots

糖醋雞塊炒青椒 - Sweet & Sour Chicken Cubes with Green Peppers

紅燒雞塊燉粉條 - Chicken Stew with Vermicelli in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋藕片 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Lotus Root Slices

蒜蓉炒蘆筍 - Sautéed Asparagus with Garlic

麻辣牛肉炒河粉 - Spicy Beef Stir-Fried Rice Noodles

糖醋排骨燉海帶 - Sweet & Sour Rib Stew with Seaweed

紅燒雞塊炒西藍花 - Chicken with Broccoli in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋木耳 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Black Fungus

蒜蓉炒生菜 - Sautéed Lettuce with Garlic

麻辣牛肉炒年糕 - Spicy Beef Stir-Fried Rice Cake

糖醋魚片炒菠蘿 - Sweet & Sour Fish Slices with Pineapple

紅燒豬蹄燉豆腐皮 - Pig's Trotter Stew with Tofu Skin in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋金針菇 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Enoki Mushrooms

蒜蓉蒸南瓜片 - Steamed Pumpkin Slices with Garlic

麻辣牛肉炒面片 - Spicy Beef Stir-Fried Noodle Slices

糖醋雞塊燉玉米 - Sweet & Sour Chicken Stew with Corn

紅燒雞塊炒豆芽 - Chicken with Bean Sprouts in Brown Sauce

麻辣香鍋豆芽 - Spicy Fragrant Pot Bean Sprouts