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在南洞庭湖築巢的東方白鸛生「寶寶」了 Oriental White Stork Nesting in the South Dongting Lake Gave Birth to a 「baby」







Theoriental white stork of South Dongting Lake, which has been in the spotlight, hatched its first baby on May 13 after laying three eggs, and it is expected that the second baby will be hatched on the afternoon of May 13 or 14th.

On April 12, an oriental white stork was found to have laid two eggs at the top of the monitoring tower located at a height of more than 20 meters at the South Dongting Lake Duogan Island Monitoring Station, and on April 15, it laid a third egg. It was highly concerned by the Provincial Forestry Bureau, which said it was the first time the oriental white stork was found breeding in our province and predicted that the pair of oriental white storks might turn out to be a resident bird in South Dongting Lake. The oriental white stork is a national-level protected bird, formerly inhabiting the South Dongting Lake as a winter migratory bird, and they migrate north to return at the end of March every year.

Oriental white storks settled in South Dongting Lake and built nests to breed. It shows that there are enough food sources and protection in South Dongting Lake. The green-headed duck, a national protected animal, has successfully bred two generations in the South Dongting Lake before.

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