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外刊阅读:Students do better when teachers get mental health support


When it comes to mental health at school, typically the focus is on helping students, especially as they emerge from the pandemic with heightened levels of anxiety, stress and emotional need. But as school officials seek to put resources toward student well-being, another school population is possibly being overlooked: teachers.


Teachers are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety and work-related trauma in the classroom – much of it stemming from student behavioral problems. The pandemic exacerbated this issue, impacting students and teachers alike.


According to 2022 data from the National Center for Education Statistics, 87% of public schools reported that the pandemic 「negatively impacted student socioemotional development.」 Additional stressors from the pandemic, including new levels of uncertainty, higher workloads and a more negative perception of teachers in society, have also impacted teachers’ mental health and well-being.

根据美国国家教育统计中心 2022 年的数据,87% 的公立学校报告指出,疫情 "对学生的社会情感发展产生了负面影响"。疫情带来的其他压力,包括新的不确定性、更大的工作量和社会对教师更消极的看法,也影响了教师的心理健康和福祉。

As teachers navigate the highs and lows of their profession, taking care of their emotional and mental well-being is essential. Research backs this up. Not only do teachers personally benefit from improved mental health, but their students do, too.


As the author of a forthcoming paper about teacher experiences during the pandemic, I have identified four benefits of prioritizing teacher mental health that create a more stable and effective educational environment.


Reduces burnout and turnover


An undeniable link exists between teacher mental health and burnout and turnover, especially for early career teachers. For young teachers in particular, a workaholic culture can contribute to the deterioration of their mental health.

不可否认,教师的心理健康与职业倦怠和人员流失之间存在着联系,尤其是对于初入职场 的教师而言。特别是年轻教师,工作狂文化可能会加速其心理健康的恶化。

The demanding nature of teaching, characterized by heavy workloads and high performance expectations, can take a toll on all teachers. This is especially true for teachers of color, who are more likely to leave their schools, or the profession, due to poor working conditions and a lack of support.


According to the 2023 State of the American Teacher Survey by the Rand Corporation, 13% of respondents said their schools offered teachers no mental health or well-being supports. Furthermore, teachers report worse well-being than the general population.

根据兰德公司发布的2023 年美国教师状况调查报告,13% 的受访者表示,他们的学校没有为教师提供心理健康或幸福支持。此外,教师的幸福感比普通人更差。

This is where schools can really make a difference in teacher retention. In schools with more positive leadership and support, including for mental health, teachers are more likely to stay. Examples of mental health supports include setting appropriate work-life boundaries, incorporating self-care and stress management techniques into the school day, and creating an open environment where mental health can be discussed without stigma.


Improves teaching effectiveness


Teachers excel at their jobs when school leaders prioritize their mental well-being. Research has directly linked teachers’ well-being with greater resilience. For instance, the research found, when a teacher remains calm and solution-oriented in the face of challenging classroom situations, it creates a more positive environment and supportive atmosphere for students.


Teachers also burn out less when they’re encouraged to be creative in the classroom. Creative activities allow for a greater level of connection between student and teacher – and satisfaction on the job.


Being creative and having a positive rapport with their teachers also develops students’ competence and improves their academic performance. A teacher with poor mental health, however, may have a hard time showing up for their students in such a positive way.

具备创造力并与教师建立积极关系有助于培养学生的能力,提高他们的学业表现。 然而,心理健康状况不佳的教师可能很难以这种积极的方式为学生服务。

Preserves institutional knowledge


Reduced turnover has a profound impact on preserving institutional knowledge – the collective understanding of how a school and its students work best. When experienced educators leave unexpectedly or earlier than planned, schools lose a lot of valuable insight and expertise. Reducing turnover enables schools to benefit from experienced teachers for longer periods of time.

减少人员流动对于保护机构知识,即学校和学生最佳运作方式的共识,产生深远影响。 当经验丰富的教育工作者意外离职或提前离职时,学校就会失去很多宝贵的见解和专业知识。降低人员流动率可以使学校更长时间地受益于经验丰富的教师。

When teachers remain at their schools, they contribute to the schools’ ongoing stability and the accumulation of best practices over time.


Fosters a positive organizational culture


Prioritizing the mental health of teachers is not just about personal well-being. It’s also about building a positive and supportive organizational culture within schools.


A culture that prioritizes mental health and wellness creates an environment where teachers feel acknowledged, understood and supported. This positive culture impacts the satisfaction and morale of educators, which can in turn positively affect student learning. A supportive atmosphere encourages collaboration, open communication and a shared dedication to the well-being of everyone within the academic community.


Recognizing and supporting the needs of teachers is crucial. It’s not just about problem-solving. It’s a smart investment in the long-term success and resilience of the entire educational community.
