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BBC英语阅读|How to stay focused


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No104. 集中注意力效率会高很多

1.daydream /ˈdeɪdriːm/ 做白日梦 vi. Do you work hard for success rather than daydream about it? 你在努力争取成功而非做白日梦吗?

He daydreams of being a famous journalist. 他梦想成为一个有名的记者。

★也可作为名词:白日梦,幻想 He learned to escape into daydreams of handsome men and beautiful women. 他学会了躲进对俊男靓女的幻想中。

2.mind to wander 走神,心不在焉 He allowed his mind to wander. 他听任自己的思绪信马由缰。

3.distract /dɪˈstrækt/ 干扰,使分心 vt. Don't let yourself be distracted by fashionable theories. 别让自己被新潮的理论给分心了。

You're distracting me from my work.你使我不能专心工作。

4.procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ 拖延 vi. Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do. 面对不想做的事情,我们经常拖延。

5.in the zone 在状态,状态极佳

6.hum 嗡嗡声(a low continuous sound)


7.notification /ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ 通知 written notification书面通知

Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives. 伤亡者的姓名在通知亲属前不被公布。

8.altogether /ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)/ 完全地 When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man. 当阿蒂彻底不再来拜访后,朱莉又找了个男人。

I am not altogether happy about the decision.我对这个决定并不十分满意。

The choice of language is altogether different. 语言的选择全然不同。

★总共地 Brando received eight Oscar nominations altogether. 白兰度总共获得了8次奥斯卡提名。

You owe me £68 altogether.你一共欠我68英镑。

★总之 The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening. 吃的不错,音乐我们也喜欢。总之,那天晚上过得非常愉快。

9.task at hand 手头的任务

10.cure /kjʊə(r)/ 对策,措施 a cure for poverty解决贫穷问题的措施

The magic cure for inflation does not exist. 解决通货膨胀的神奇方法并不存在。


11.short attention span 注意力持续时间短,注意力不集中 Small children have a short attention span. 幼儿注意力持续时间短。

★span /spæn/ 持续时间,时间段 The batteries had a life span of six hours. 电池的使用寿命是6小时。

The project must be completed within a specific time span .这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。

12.neuroscientist /ˈnjʊərəʊsaɪəntɪst/ 神经科学家

13.knuckle down 开始努力工作或学习 I'm going to have to knuckle down to some serious study. 我得开始认认真真地学习了。

★knuckle /ˈnʌkl/ 指关节

14.visually demanding 视觉上费力的,需要劳神看的

15.processing power 处理能力

16.workspace /ˈwɜːkspeɪs/ 工作场所

17.tempt /tempt/ 引诱,吸引 It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year. 只有新鲜的水果才会在每年的这个时候吸引我。

I was tempted to take the day off.我动了心,想那一天休假。

18.chew 嚼(口香糖) One girl was chewing gum. 一个女孩在嚼口香糖。

★咀嚼 Be certain to eat slowly and chew your food extremely well. 一定要慢慢吃,特别细地咀嚼食物。

★咬 He chewed his lower lip nervously. 他紧张地咬着下唇。