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What happened to the artificial-intelligence investment boom?

Many economists believe that generative artificial intelligence (AI) is about to transform the global economy. A paper published last year by Ege Erdil and Tamay Besiroglu of Epoch, a research firm, argues that 「explosive growth」, with gdp zooming upwards, is 「plausible with ai capable of broadly substituting for human labour」. Erik Brynjolfsson of Stanford University has said that he expects ai 「to power a productivity boom in the coming years」.

許多經濟學家認為,生成式人工智慧(AI)即將改變全球經濟。 Epoch 研究公司的Ege Erdil和Tamay Besiroglu去年發表的一篇論文認為,隨著GDP飆升,「AI能夠廣泛替代人力勞動」的「爆炸性增長」是「合理的」。史丹佛大學的Erik Brynjolfsson表示,他預計AI「將在未來幾年推動生產力繁榮」。

For such an economic transformation to take place, companies need to spend big on new software, communications, factories and equipment, enabling AI to slot into their production processes. An investment boom was necessary to allow previous technological breakthroughs, such as the tractor or the personal computer, to spread across the economy. From 1992 to 1999 American nonresidential investment jumped by 3% of gdp, for instance, driven in large part by extra spending on computer technologies. Yet so far there is little sign of an ai splurge. Across the world, capital expenditure by businesses (or 「capex」) is remarkably weak.


After sluggish growth in the years before the covid-19 pandemic, capex increased as lockdowns lifted (see chart). In early 2022 it was rising at an annualised rate of about 8% a year. A mood of techno-optimism had gripped some businesses, while others sought to firm up supply chains. Capex then slowed later the same year, owing to the effects of geopolitical uncertainty and higher interest rates. On the eve of the release of OpenAI’s GPT-4 in March 2023, global capex spending was growing at an annualised rate of about 3%.

在新冠疫情之前的幾年裏,capex增長緩慢,隨著封鎖措施的解除,capex有所增加(見圖表)。在2022年初,它的年增長率約為8%。一些企業抱有技術樂觀主義,而其他企業則尋求鞏固供應鏈。同年晚些時候,由於 地緣政治 不確定性和更高利率的影響,capex增長放緩。在OpenAI於2023年3月釋出GPT-4的前夕,全球capex支出的年化增長率約為3%。

Today some companies are once again ramping up capex, to seize what they see as the enormous opportunity in ai. This year forecasters reckon that Microsoft’s spending (including on research and development) will probably rise by close to 20%. Nvidia’s is set to soar by upwards of 30%. 「AI will be our biggest investment area in 2024, both in engineering and compute resources,」 reported Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s boss, at the end of last year.


Elsewhere, though, plans are more modest. Exclude firms driving the AI revolution, such as Microsoft and Nvidia, and those in the S&P 500 are planning to lift capex by only around 2.5% in 2024—ie, by an amount in line with inflation. Across the economy as a whole, the situation is even bleaker. An American capex 「tracker」 produced by Goldman Sachs, a bank, offers a picture of businesses’ outlays, as well as hinting at future intentions. It is currently falling by 4%, year on year.


Surely, with all the excitement about generative AI’s potential, spending on information technologies is at least soaring? Not quite. In the third quarter of 2023 American firms’ investment in 「information-processing equipment and software」 fell by 0.4% year on year.

毫無疑問,隨著人們對 生成式AI 潛力的興奮,資訊科技的投資至少在飆升嗎?並非如此。在2023年第三季度,美國公司在「資訊處理裝置和軟體」上的投資同比下降了0.4%。

Similar trends are observable at a global level. According to national-accounts data for the oecd club of mostly rich countries, which go up to the third quarter of 2023, investment spending—including by governments—is growing more slowly than in the pre-pandemic years. A high-frequency measure of global capex from JPMorgan Chase, another bank, points to minimal growth. With weak capex, it is no surprise that there is little sign of productivity improvements, according to a real-time measure derived from surveys of purchasing managers (see chart).


An official survey in Japan does point to sharply higher capex growth in the future, after years of sluggishness. Yet this probably reflects factors specific to that country, such as reforms to corporate governance. And in most places outside America the situation is rather less encouraging. A worsening outlook for the economy in Europe does not help. Investment intentions of services companies in the European Union are less than half as ambitious as they were in early 2022. British businesses plan to raise capex by a mere 3% over the next year, compared with 10% when asked in early 2022.


These trends suggest one of two things. The first is that generative AI is a busted flush. Big tech firms love the technology, but are going to struggle to find customers for the products and services that they have spent tens of billions of dollars creating. It would not be the first time in recent history that technologists have overestimated demand for new innovations. Think of cryptocurrencies and the metaverse.


The second interpretation is less gloomy, and more likely. The adoption of new general-purpose technologies tends to take time. Return to the example of the personal computer. Although Microsoft released a groundbreaking operating system in 1995, American firms only ramped up spending on software in the late 1990s. Analysis by Goldman Sachs suggests that while only 5% of chief executives expect AI to have a 「significant impact」 on their business within one to two years, 65% think it will have an impact in the next three to five. AI is still likely to change the economy, but with a whimper not a bang.
