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Top 10 Most Profitable Companies in Germany in 2023


1. Uniper (優尼貝):

Uniper, based in Dusseldorf, Germany, is a prominent energy company. In 2023, Uniper reported earnings of $47.82 billion. Known for its expertise in energy generation, Uniper provides innovative solutions in natural gas, power, and energy trading.

優尼貝總部位於 德國杜塞道夫 ,是一家重要的 能源公司 。2023年,優尼貝報告的利潤為478.2億美元。以其在能源生產領域的專業知識而聞名,優尼貝提供天然氣、電力和能源交易方面的創新解決方案。

2. BMW (寶馬公司):

BMW, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a renowned automobile manufacturer. In 2023, BMW reported earnings of $29.05 billion. BMW is synonymous with luxury vehicles and is recognized for its high-performance cars and cutting-edge automotive technology.

寶馬公司總部位於 德國慕尼黑 ,是一家著名的 汽車制造商 。2023年,寶馬報告的利潤為290.5億美元。寶馬與豪華汽車密不可分,以其高效能汽車和尖端汽車技術而聞名。

3. Volkswagen (大眾汽車集團):

Volkswagen, based in Wolfsburg, Germany, is a leading automotive company. In 2023, Volkswagen reported earnings of $24.51 billion. As one of the largest car manufacturers globally, Volkswagen is famous for its diverse range of vehicles, including popular brands like Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche.

大眾汽車集團總部位於 德國狼堡 ,是一家領先的 汽車公司 。2023年,大眾汽車集團報告的利潤為245.1億美元。作為全球最大的汽車制造商之一,大眾汽車集團以其包括大眾、奧迪和保時捷等熱門品牌在內的多樣化車型而聞名。

4. Mercedes-Benz (梅賽德斯-奔馳):

Mercedes-Benz, based in Stuttgart, Germany, is a well-known luxury automobile brand. In 2023, Mercedes-Benz reported earnings of $23.10 billion. Renowned for its elegant and high-performance vehicles, Mercedes-Benz is a symbol of luxury and craftsmanship.

梅賽德斯-奔馳總部位於 德國史圖加特 ,是一家著名的 豪華汽車品牌 。2023年,梅賽德斯-奔馳報告的利潤為231億美元。以其優雅且高效能的汽車而聞名,梅賽德斯-奔馳是奢侈和工藝的象征。

5. Allianz (安聯保險集團):

Allianz, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a leading financial services provider. In 2023, Allianz reported earnings of $18.03 billion. Allianz offers a wide range of insurance and asset management services, catering to individuals and businesses worldwide.

安聯保險集團總部位於 德國慕尼黑 ,是一家領先的 金融服務提供商 。2023年,安聯報告的利潤為180.3億美元。安聯提供廣泛的保險和資產管理服務,服務於全球個人和企業。

6. Deutsche Telekom (德國電信):

Deutsche Telekom, based in Bonn, Germany, is a major telecommunications company. In 2023, Deutsche Telekom reported earnings of $14.20 billion. Known for its telecommunications and IT services, Deutsche Telekom plays a crucial role in connecting people globally.

德國電信總部位於 德國波昂 ,是一家重要的 電信公司 。2023年,德國電信報告的利潤為142億美元。以其電信和資訊科技服務而聞名,德國電信在全球連線人們方面發揮著關鍵作用。

7. Siemens (西門子):

Siemens, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a global technology and engineering company. In 2023, Siemens reported earnings of $12.06 billion. Siemens is at the forefront of technological innovation, providing solutions in electrification, automation, and digitalization.

西門子總部位於 德國慕尼黑 ,是一家全球 技術和工程公司 。2023年,西門子報告的利潤為120.6億美元。西門子處於技術創新的前沿,提供電氣化、自動化和數位化方面的解決方案。

8. Porsche (保時捷):

Porsche, based in Stuttgart, Germany, is a renowned luxury sports car manufacturer. In 2023, Porsche reported earnings of $8.22 billion. Recognized for its high-performance and stylish sports cars, Porsche represents the epitome of luxury driving.

保時捷總部位於 德國史圖加特 ,是一家著名的 豪華跑車制造商 。2023年,保時捷報告的利潤為82.2億美元。以其高效能和時尚的跑車而聞名,保時捷代表了豪華駕駛的最高水平。

9. Munich RE (慕尼黑再保險集團):

Munich RE, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a leading reinsurance company. In 2023, Munich RE reported earnings of $7.41 billion. Munich RE provides risk management and insurance solutions, playing a vital role in the global insurance industry.

慕尼黑再保險集團總部位於 德國慕尼黑 ,是一家領先的 再保險公司 。2023年,慕尼黑再保險報告的利潤為74.1億美元。慕尼黑再保險提供風險管理和保險解決方案,在全球保險行業中發揮著至關重要的作用。

10. Hapag-Lloyd (赫伯羅特公司):

Hapag-Lloyd, based in Hamburg, Germany, is a major shipping company. In 2023, Hapag-Lloyd reported earnings of $7.12 billion. Specializing in container shipping, Hapag-Lloyd facilitates international trade and logistics, connecting businesses worldwide.

赫伯羅特公司總部位於 德國漢堡 ,是一家主要的 航運公司 。2023年,哈帕格勞艾德報告的利潤為71.2億美元。專業從事貨櫃航運,哈帕格勞艾德促進國際貿易和物流,連線著全球企業。