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Ensuring Fire Safety During the Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, marks the beginning of the lunar new year in China. It is a time of celebration, reunion, and new beginnings. However, amidst the festivities, it is crucial to prioritize fire safety to prevent accidents and ensure a joyful celebration for all.

Fireworks Safety Guide

When setting off fireworks, it is essential to observe where they land and keep them away from sources of heat, fire, or electricity.

Supervising Children Around Fire

Parents must vigilantly monitor children to prevent them from accessing lighters, matches, or any other fire-starting materials.

Home Fire Prevention Tips

In households, activities such as cooking, lighting, and using electrical appliances can pose fire hazards. It's advisable not to overload electrical circuits and to promptly address any abnormalities in electrical appliances. When leaving home for an extended period, it's wise to disconnect power sources and shut off gas valves.

Preventing Fire Hazards from Smoking

While it's common to smoke during social gatherings, it's essential to avoid smoking while lying or sitting on beds. Additionally, cigarette butts should be properly extinguished and not discarded haphazardly in waste bins or combustible materials.

Incense and Candle Safety

During ceremonies involving incense and candles, it's crucial to maintain a safe distance from flammable materials. Before leaving home or going to bed, ensure that all candles and incense are extinguished to prevent potential fires.

The Chinese New Year is a time of joy and festivity, but it's essential to remain vigilant and prioritize fire safety to protect lives and property. By following these safety guidelines and exercising caution, we can celebrate the new year with peace of mind and avoid unnecessary accidents.

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