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China is one of the first ancient civilizations to use money. About four thousand years ago in the late Neolithic Age, with the development of social division of labor and Commodity Exchange, there has been used for barter as a general equivalent of the physical money.



Red Fortune has a third set of renminbi. In order to perfectly reproduce the elegant demeanor of the stage course of China's industrial and agricultural construction at that time, we have made great efforts to refine and integrate the third set of RMB with three serial numbers.


The third set of renminbi, mainly circulated during the Cultural Revolution, was called "red currency" and was a "fanatical" variety in the coin collection market. This set of (321) for the third set of the tail of a complete set of, you know a stop circulation has been a long time of the third set of RMB can collect a set of, is a rare, tail behind meet more hard, design printing one of the most beautiful in the history of a renminbi according to the life prototype, show the pioneers of a set of renminbi stunning appearance, more appreciation value, the collection is rare treasures, valuable and scarce uncommon! For a long time, money has exerted a great influence on the politics, economy, culture and people's life of each era. At the same time, it is also marked with the historical imprint of each era. The study of Chinese historical currency involves a wide range of fields such as Chinese politics, economy, history, geography, philology, aesthetics and calligraphy art in each era. The coin is one of the reliable dates in archaeology.


"Red Fortune" -- the third set of RMB Collector's album, which contains 13 RMB banknotes (including two yuan lathe work) and 80 coins including one cent, two cents and five cents. The collection shows the magnificent picture scroll of our great motherland and profoundly explains the great changes that have taken place in China over the past 80 years. The collection is of great collection value and cultural value.


"The Granary of the World" is a collection of High-quality Food stamps of all provinces, cities and counties in China. Its artistic value and cultural relic value should not be underestimated. It is a true reflection of the planned economy era in China studied by future generations, and its value-added potential is unlimited. Chinese food stamp collection is not a general sense of cultural entertainment, but a dignified and vigorous history of the Founding of the Chinese nation; It is a history of Chinese people's struggle against poverty and hunger. It is a cultural history covering the development of China's agriculture, commerce, industry and service industry. It is a true portrayal of China's planned economy era. Here, you can review or understand the special role grain coupons have played in the life of the Chinese people and the national economic construction, appreciate the extensive and profound Chinese culture, enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, local conditions and customs, industrial and agricultural production, and inspire people's morale to create a better tomorrow.


Food stamps were the product of China's first five-year Plan in 1953, but gradually withdrew from the historical stage in the 1980s and 1990s and turned into a collection field. Until now, some citizens may still have some old food stamps in their homes for collection.


Food stamps collection has a great market potential, now the food stamps collection value is getting more and more affirmation, especially some of the more precious food stamps, have higher collection value. Due to the aging or destruction of food stamps and other factors, some rare food stamps are difficult to set, and it is even more difficult to collect and collect food stamps from all parts of the country with personal strength. This collection is in good condition, complete, with higher market appreciation space and collection value.