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☞ 市場與上帝

- 市場就像上帝,只幫助那些努力的人;但與上帝不同,市場不會寬恕那些不清楚自己在幹什麽的人。明白自己在幹什麽,了解所投資的事物,是成為市場中贏家的第一步。

☞ 何為風險

- 風險來自你不知道自己正做些什麽。

- Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.

☞ 我不做的事

- 我小心地從一台電腦邊走過,害怕他會咬我一口。(我不投資那些我看不懂的生意)

- I carefully walked next to a computer, I am afraid it will bite me. (I do not invest in business those I don’t know)

☞ 我只做的事

- 我要求自己解釋自己的錯誤。這意味著我只做我完全了解的事。

- I want to be able to explain my mistakes. This means I do only the things I completely understand.

☞ 錯誤與失誤

- 疏忽導致的錯誤比做錯事的失誤更令人煩惱;看不出的失誤要比看出的失誤嚴重得多。

- Mistakes of omission are more bothersome than errors of commission; The mistakes you don’t see in our case are way bigger than the mistakes that you see.

☞ 重整旗鼓

- 重整旗鼓的首要步驟是停止做那些已經做錯了的事。這是一個古老的原則。覆水難收,你無法再回到最初。

- The first step to recovery is to stop doing the wrong thing. It’s an old principle. You don’t have to make it back the way you lost it.

☞ 吸取教訓

- 我在歷史中學到的唯一東西就是:大眾從未從歷史中汲取教訓。

- What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history.

☞ 研究錯誤,學習錯誤

- 我經常感到,研究商業中的失敗案例,要比研究商業中的成功案例的收獲多得多。

- I’ve often felt there might be more to be gained by studying business failures than business successes.
